💥Part 4💥

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We stepped into the home, the second the door closed there was Mitsuki.
She paused for just a second before speaking. "What in the world happened to you?! Are you okay sweetie?"
Katsuki rolled his eyes, opening his mouth to respond before immediately being cut off.
"Not you brat."
She let out a sigh of annoyance before turning to me. "That brat is such a bad influence on you. I don't get why you hang around him." She spoke, a harsh tone.
It was... strange. Though this occurrence was common. She always acted as if I was her kid... and as if Katsuki was some delinquent I met at school that I shouldn't be hanging around.
She took a step back before looking at Katsuki.
"Alright. What did you drag him into this time brat?"
Katsuki let out an annoyed 'tch' noise before replying. "I didn't drag him into shit! Not my fault a damn villain got in the way!"
"Got in the way? You two nearly died!"
The room soon filled with the twos meaningless arguments... I let out a soft sigh, making my way up to Katsuki's room.
I left the door open, knowing Katsuki would probably be up soon. Normally I'd sit on the bed... but my uniform was dirty... I should probably wait till I'm changed, or Katsuki would try murdering me.
The walls were mostly empty besides a few all might posters. I never got his obsession with that guy... he's too loud for me. Then again... Katsuki is loud... but Katsuki is an enjoyable loud.
I was brought out of my thoughts when Katsuki slammed the door shut, causing me to flinch slightly at the sudden loud noise.
He stayed silent, walking across the room. He pulled out some clothing. He threw a shirt and some sweatpants directly at my face. I barely had time to catch it.
"Go change. Your clothes are filthy."
"You act like yours are any better."
That reply only earned me an eye roll and a scoff.
"Just go change."
"Fine fine."
I made my way into the bathroom, changing into the clothes Katsuki had given me. Black sweatpants, and a black T-shirt..... this guy wears too much black. At least it looks nice.
I headed back to the bedroom. Katsuki seemed to have already changed... he was being quieter than usual. It makes sense.... Based on what he mentioned on the way back.... He's probably a bit traumatized.
He still didn't say a word, even as he grabbed my arm, dragging me to lay down in the bed beside him. I didn't resist, relaxing into the blankets. He buried his face against my back as always.
"Shut it before I blow you to pieces."
This was nice.... Katsuki was always touchy... even when we were younger...
I should probably go to sleep...
I closed my eyes, for once my thoughts going blank.

(Bro idk what was happening with this chapter but I don't like it +it's a lot shorter than the others :[ for the next chapters I'm gonna try to keep it at 600 words per minimum. I think I'm just tired writing this.)

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