Aiden angst + a little bit of Jaiden&Jam

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(A/N: Aidens dad is transphobic. I don't have a deadname for Aiden bc it's kinda icky, so I just say [Deadname].)

Aidens pov:
I just got home from college for summer. My dad was home, and he didn't look too happy.

"Hey [Deadname], we need to talk."
"Uh, sure, dad, what's up?"
"It's about this." He shows me the trans flag I bought back when I was 15. I just turned 18. "Oh, uhm yeah, I was gonna tell you that." I say.

"Listen [deadname], I don't know what that trans flag is doing there. If you are trying to be a boy, I will have to kick you out. No "transgenders" are allowed in my house. "

I just stand there, shocked. I don't know what to say. "Are you gonna say anything?" He says.

"Uhm, I don't know what to say."
"Well, obviously, you have to explain something."
"I mean, yes, I am."
"I knew it, now pack your stuff. Get Out Of My House."

I pack my stuff as fast as I can and leave my dad's house. I call for a friend of mine, Jake(Yes, the jake from season 1), to pick me up.

"Hey Jake, I got kicked out. Can you pick me up?"

"I'm so sorry to hear that, I'll be there in 10 minutes."

Jake was almost there when it started raining. I saw his car and got in as fast as possible. Tears formed in my eyes, and Jake noticed that.

"Hey, it's okay, Aiden. I'm here for you."

That was the first time I didn't hear my deadname today.

I cried even harder. Jake started driving towards his and his boyfriends house.

As we arrived, my eyes were all puffy from crying.

Tom, Jakes boyfriend, noticed too.

"Hey Aiden, what happened?"

I couldn't say a word, only being able to cry.

"Hey, it's okay. Go sit down, and we'll make you tea and get you comfortable."

I sat down, trying not to cry even more.

"Here you go, just calm down, Aiden." Jake hugged me.

"How about we watch some Netflix to cheer you up." Tom said.

I nod. My throat hurted from crying so much.

After a while, I got a notification from my crush, James.

I started to smile and blush.

Jake and Tom noticed. "Hey, who's got you blushing like that."
"Uhm, It's James."
"Oh, so you like him, don't you?" Jake said teasingly. "Oh shush." I say. "He's obviously not interested in me."
"Now open the text, I wanna see what he said." Jake said.

I opened the chat.

James: Hey Aiden, How are you. I heard what happened and I feel bad for you."

I blush even harder.

"Ohhh, he made you blush."
"Shut up!" I say out of embarrassment.
Aiden: I'm doing a bit better now. How are you doing?

James immediately responded.

James: I'm doing good, especially because I'm talking to a pretty boy like you.

I couldn't stop blushing, James had been my crush for 1 year now. We met in college.

I decide to try and flirt back.

Aiden: You're even prettier.

James: Oh really now, how about we meet up. I can show you how I really feel.

Aiden: Sure, when, though?
James: How about tomorrow at 2pm.
Aiden: Okay, see you then.

I put away my phone and started squeeling like a girl. Jake looks at me, confused.

"So what happened?"
"James asked me out of a date, well, kind of."
"That's amazing news, Aiden."
I couldn't stop smiling. Maybe today wasn't that bad.


That's it.

Sander, 601 words.

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