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Wake up

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Wake up

Wake up, [Y/n]

There's a sudden headache when Y/n woke up, quickly closing her eyes and reaching for that headache.

"You alright, Miss?" Someone called out to her.

Y/n snaps her eyes open to see that she's in a car with a stranger, "huh? Who are you?"

The stranger with brown hair gave her a confused look on the rear view mirror, "um, I'm your taxi driver, Max. Are you alright?"


"R-right! You're Max," Y/n laugh awkwardly and avoid his eyes, "sorry, must have been a weird dream I got..."

Max shrug before putting his eyes on the road. This gave Y/n enough to think what happened or how she got here.

Yet the result she could only get was her life and turning that game up before falling asleep. Come to think of it, her sleeping position would be horrible and left her a bit sore since she fell asleep on a chair.

Y/n shifted on her seat, 'good thing there's no sore over my body.'

'Also what's up with this headache?! Like damn, stop that shit.'

"Hey, Max. Do you happen to know where we're going?" Y/n sheepishly smile at him, "I just can't seem to remember with this headache..."

"Yeah, we're going to Evergreen Street." Max answers, his eyes not taking off the road, "as for your headache, there should be a HealthCare near where you're living."

"Ah, thank you so much," Y/n looks out of the window, 'HealthCare? As in Pharmacy?'

While watching out the scenery, the place slowly turns from quiet place to a city like place. With a bunch of weird looking characters all in the same place.

Y/n went double take as the taxi pass by a little girl acting crazy with a gun on the air, 'shouldn't people be panicking? Why are they just staring at her? Why does she have a gun? What's going on? What the hell?'

Y/n move her eyes to another person with wings, then to tail person, to elf ear person, to a person that is literally way too pale, to cat or dog ear person, then so on.

'I'm confused... Am I dreaming?' Y/n thought as she have already forgotten of her headache.

She squints her eyes at the place around her, the place look ordinary except with the people who have different yet unique stuff on them.

"You look surprised," Max said as he stop to a red traffic light, "have you not seen these type of people before?"

Y/n's mind scramble to find an answer she could give, "well, you see..."

Y/n pause as she remembers few description she wrote last night, "I was raised in a...um... Isolated area because I was a very sick kid, and you know how some parents are...'

Y/n wanted to gritted her teeth, clearly being sick was a bit far too stretched than what she planned to say.

'Oh well, I can't go back now...'

"That sounds horrible," Max gave Y/n the soft apologetic and guilty look, "I'm sorry if I step your boundaries and private life."

Y/n shakes her head, "no, no! It's alright, you just didn't know."

Max nod his head before stepping on a gas paddle to move the car, this lead to an awkward silence making room for itself.

'Just when is this destination?' Y/n mentality cry out, 'it's so awkward in here...'

Just as she said that, the city like place went to more of a little quiet area. It was something that fascinated Y/n, it also almost resembles anime's aesthetic area with its greenish leaves. For a while, the car slow down into a stop in front of a house that has only first floor.

"Miss, we are here." Max announce and takes out his keys, "here, I'll help you with your luggages."

Before Y/n could protest and get out of the taxi, Max has already made his way to the rear to get the luggages.

Y/n undo her seatbelt and got out, "I can take it from here, you have done so much already!"

Max shakes his head, "don't worry, I'll drop this off on the front."

'Well, it would be nice to drop it off but It also seems rude if I just let him do the carrying.' Y/n thought before leading the way to the front door with a key in hand, 'I'll just give him a tip as a thanks, that usually work and satisfy the workers.'

Max, with two luggage on his left hand and one in his right hand, swiftly put Y/n's stuff on the ground.

"Alright, I'm off to go." Max nod his head at Y/n.

"Wait hold on, I'll give you a tip as a thank you!" Y/n quickly look for her wallet, 'twenty bucks should be enough, right?'

Max chuckles and wave his hand, "oh no, Miss. We usually don't take tip, it's just part of our job."

"Are you sure?"

Max once again nod his head at Y/n, before heading his way to the taxi. Y/n could only watch dumbfounded at the brown haired male and the fact that there's no tipping, before continue to look for this key to open the front door.

Y/n gave a pout while testing which keys can open the door, 'at least give me a sign which key could open the door, it's making me think I gave Max the the wrong address.'

That pout turns upside up when her prayer has been answered. Opening the door with anxious yet excitement feeling only to turn sour seeing multiple boxes have not been arranged in the house.

Y/n groans and her shoulder went down, "I should have seen this was coming when moving to another house..."

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