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As Y/n lay on her comfort bed, staring at the ceiling with thoughts left unanswered

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As Y/n lay on her comfort bed, staring at the ceiling with thoughts left unanswered.

'How the fuck did I get here?'


'Where the fuck am I?'

With a heavy sigh, she check on her computer for this game or at least have an answer. Opening it with her dominant hand while keeping her eyes on it.

A message popped up.

Congrats, [KETCHUP]

You were able to get into the game!

Your progress will start after you meet one of the character.

There will also be a new phone for you to use to check for any information, tips, messages, and basically anything that you needed from your everyday phone (just have slightly different phone info.)

As for your old phone, feel free to still use it as a backup phone and do whatever you desire in it.

Again, everything you need to know can be answered in your new phone or this computer.

Good luck, [KETCHUP]!

Y/n breathe out as she process the informations given by her computer, however that thought was cut off when a vibrate noise made itself loud and clear.

[New message]

[Your new phone has arrived and has been dropped off in front of your door.]

Y/n stare at the message dumbfounded before scattering to get to the front door. Once she got to open the door, she sees a small brown box. She carefully took it and brought it inside her home before opening it.

Just like what her computer, or the message, told her, there was a phone with a pastel blue color and a weird tech design at the back.

'Is it a tech design or a logo?' Y/n thought as she takes a closer look at the phone when it suddenly rung itself.

"What the ffffff-" Y/n almost threw the phone away from her, but luckily she was able to stop her action.

[New message]
[Hello, [KETCHUP]. Your everyday phone is connected to your computer. There will be also some other  helpful tools that would be later set up by [̵̢͉͔̤̠͖̗͕̤̀͌͗́́͐̈́̌̊͐͊̈́͋͂͂͝Ŗ̸̢̘͚̩̠̤̼̙̳͔͉̳̹̘͂̈́̓̃̍̀̈́͜ͅė̵̯̹̟̟̱̺͚͇͎̪̜̜̠͎͒͊̔̿̈́̽̈́̅̚̚d̷̯̹̒̑͂̃̓͛̌̉͂̎͆̂̊͒́̕ͅa̸̧̢̱̪̼̬͙̦̯̙̺̟͈̽͂̓̒c̸̢̮̜̲͍̲̳̺̪̎̀͐͌̇̒͒͊͂̀̋̉̕t̴̢̛͈͔͍̗͕̘̱̘͕̜̩̥̓̽̕̚e̴̠̣̻̹̩̦̙̠̘̪̱̻̩͉͌̓̎d̸̛͈̋̌̍]̷̢̨̺̤͕̞̹̟͚̾̏͐͜͝ͅͅ.]

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