𝟎𝟏, crappy place

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𝐀𝐦𝐢 moved uncomfortably in her luxurious seat on the private jet, her blonde hair tangled from the long flight. She couldn't escape the uncomfortable situation that had her restless since they'd taken off, even in such luxurious surroundings.

"When is this freaking jet gonna get us there?" Ami muttered under her breath, her impatience obvious. 

Her mother, Jillian, seated across from her, glanced at Ami. "Language, Ami. And we'll be landing soon. Try to relax," she advised, her tone gentle yet firm. She sounded quite done with being stuck in a flight with Ami complaining. 

Dawn, sitting next to Ami, leaned over with a smirk. "Relax, Ami. It's not like we can teleport to the Outer Banks," she teased. Ami rolled her eyes, her frustration shown. "I know, I know. It's just...I hate waiting," she confessed, her voice tinged with irritation.

Dawn nudged her playfully. "Think of it as an extended vacation. We'll be at the beach before you know it," she suggested, trying to lighten the mood to stop Ami from complaining.

Ami sighed, crossing her arms. "I hope so. This jet isn't exactly the most exciting way to travel," she remarked, glancing around the cabin.

Jillian rolled her eyes, trying to not to yell at Ami. "Be grateful, Ami. Not everyone gets to fly in a private jet," she reminded her. 

Ami groaned, feeling restless. "I'd rather be anywhere else than stuck in this fancy tin can," she muttered, as she looked out the window. 

"At least the snacks are good" Dawn interjected. 

Knowing that a new chapter of their lives awaited them on the sandy shores of North Carolina, Ami tried to relax as the jet carried on its journey towards their new home in the Outer Banks. 


The hours flew by in a haze of boring flight, Ami falling asleep as the jet's engines hummed in time. It was only when the soft bump of the landing startled her out of her sleep.

Ami sat up straight in her chair, blinking blearily as her surroundings began to come back into focus. Sitting next to her, Dawn yawned and stretched, matching Ami's exhaustion.

"We're here?" Rubbing her eyes, Ami muttered as the jet taxied to a stop. Dawn nodded, curiosity lighting up her hazel eyes. She said, "Looks like it," as she peered out the window at the strange scenery. Jillian got up from her chair with a purposeful gait. It's time to part, ladies. "Get ready for our new life," she declared.

After gathering their possessions, the Monroe family got off the aircraft and walked onto the Outer Banks' sunlit tarmac. A cab was waiting for them, the driver grinning warmly as he stood by the open door.

The driver asked, looking at his clipboard, "Monroes?"

Warm in her expression, Jillian nodded. That's who we are. "We're ready to travel to Figure Eight," she declared, guiding her family in the direction of the waiting car.

Travel fatigue settled over Ami again as she climbed into the backseat of the taxi. When the cab started to move away from the airstrip, she closed her eyes and leaned back against the seat. The trip to their new house seemed to be a blur of strange noises and sights. Ami dozed off and back again.

Ami snapped out of her sleep as the taxi came to a stop in front of a large house, blinking in the sun. The driver assisted them in unloading their bags, and the Monroes assembled in the driveway to take in their new environment.

Before they could take in their surroundings completely, there came a voice from the adjacent property. "Hey, are you guys the Monroes?" Jillian looked in the direction of the voice, her expression inquisitive. "We are, indeed. She walked up to a tall, sandy-haired man, "Can I help you?" With a smile, the man held out a hand. "My name is Ward Cameron. I live in this area. "Welcome to Figure Eight," he said in a cordial introduction.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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