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"Swear to god it doesn't seem like you and Sunghoon hyung are bestfriends

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"Swear to god it doesn't seem like you and Sunghoon hyung are bestfriends." said Jungwon with his mouth full of gooey, melted cheese pizza as he looked across the table at Sunoo. He took another big bite, the hot cheese stretching long strands as he pulled the slice away.

Sunoo smiled at Jungwon's stuffed cheeks and the little dab of sauce on his chin. "And what do we look like?" he asked, amused by Jungwon's candid remark. He watched Jungwon attempt to chew the huge mouthful, making his cheeks puff out like a chipmunk.

Jungwon finally managed to swallow the mass of dough and cheese. "Boyfriends?" he speculated, wiping his mouth and taking a sip of soda.

Sunoo felt his cheeks flush at the assumption. He shyly looked down at the straw in his hand as he stirred his icy cold drink, the ice cubes clinking against the glass. "You think so?" he said softly, not expecting Jungwon to make such a bold suggestion.

Jungwon's eyes went wide, nearly choking on his pizza at Sunoo's response. "Are you guys friends with benefits?" he blurted out, keeping his hand over his mouth in shock.



"And what makes you say that?" asked Sunghoon with a playful grin as he effortlessly tossed the basketball in a high arc towards the hoop

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"And what makes you say that?" asked Sunghoon with a playful grin as he effortlessly tossed the basketball in a high arc towards the hoop. Jake jumped up and caught the ball before it could sail through the net, clutching it against his chest as he landed gracefully back on his feet.

"You both are always up in each other's space, attached at the hip. You're more than just best friends - you act like boyfriends." Jake teased as he bounced the ball back towards Sunghoon.

Though Jake had known Sunghoon and Sunoo since their early middle school days, he still enjoyed poking fun at the closeness between the two of them.

Sunghoon's grin only widened at the assumption as he lunged forward to swipe the ball back from Jake's grasp. But quick as a fox, Jay swooped in and intercepted it, dribbling away towards the other end of the court.

"You sure it's not, friends with benefits?" called out Heeseung from where he was lounging on the sidelines, watching the action unfold.

His bold question made Sunghoon smirk wider while he managed to catch up to Jay and steal back the ball, launching it swiftly into the net.

"Do you guys want to grab something to eat after we're done here? I'm starving." said Sunghoon, clearly diverting the conversation to safer waters.

His friends exchanged knowing looks, recognizing Sunghoon's transparent attempt to dodge their prying. But they let him off the hook, for now at least, following his lead towards thoughts of lunch instead of continuing to interrogate him about the exact nature of his relationship with Sunoo.

Some things Sunghoon preferred to keep private, though his friends would never stop their affectionate nosiness.



"You know this is what makes everyone feel suspicious about us?" said Sunoo, trying in vain to push Sunghoon off of him

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"You know this is what makes everyone feel suspicious about us?" said Sunoo, trying in vain to push Sunghoon off of him. But the older boy only hugged him tighter, snaking his arms around Sunoo's slim waist and holding him close.

"I don't care. I just want to hug you right now and crush you in my arms." Sunghoon murmured, nuzzling his face into the crook of Sunoo's neck and breathing in his sweet scent. Sunoo squirmed against him, cheeks flushing pink as he noticed their curious classmates passing by.

"Get off me, hyung." he insisted, though his protests went ignored. Sunghoon was determined to keep holding him no matter what.

Gripping the back of Sunghoon's shirt tightly, Sunoo tried to stop the shivers running through his body at the feeling of Sunghoon's nose brushing against his skin.

"Say that you'll buy me chicken and-" Sunghoon started to say, but paused, still nestled against Sunoo's neck. Sunoo's eyes flickered around them anxiously, hyperaware of the scene they were causing.

"And?" Sunoo asked impatiently, wanting this public display of affection to end.

"And in our apartment-" Before Sunghoon could finish his demand, Sunoo nipped his shoulder sharply, making the older boy pull back slightly from the hug. It didn't really hurt him, but it got his attention.

"Don't you dare finish that sentence."


A new SUNSUN story, though I have to finish one. Which i promise i will do very soon.

I can't say if this story will be long or short. I'll make sure to bring many chapters.

I won't make you wait for long and bring new chapters one by one.

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