Blissful- Chapter 10

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Sunoo had been feeling the weight of it all

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Sunoo had been feeling the weight of it all. The relentless schedule of exams had left him and Sunghoon with hardly any time to breathe, let alone relax.

It had been a week and a half of non-stop studying, the kind of grind that makes days blur into one another. The announcement of their final exam dates, which they had received together late that night, had initially slipped their minds.

Now, it loomed over them like a dark cloud, forcing them into a state of constant preparation.

Their days were filled with textbooks, notes, and the soft hum of the library's fluorescent lights. On some days, they'd camp out at the library from morning until closing, their table a fortress of study materials.

Other days, they gathered with friends, sharing the burden and the occasional joke to lighten the mood. At home, their living room had transformed into a chaotic hub of academic activity, papers scattered and laptops perpetually open.

The stress of exams was compounded by the dreary weather. Rain had been a constant companion, making the world outside their study sessions grey and soggy.

Sunoo didn't mind the rain entirely; it reminded him of the day Sunghoon had proposed him, a memory that always brought a smile to his face. But practically, it was a nuisance, turning their commute to college into a wet, miserable trek.

With now their exam finally ended, Sunoo clung to the hope that he would be able to spend some quality time with his boyfriend.

But then there were few projects to hand the professor's. Endless, insistent projects that seemed to multiply overnight. "How many assignments does this college want? Are they gonna stick it in their ass or what?" Sunoo thought bitterly, watching Sunghoon type away on his laptop.

The frustration gnawed at him, making every additional task feel like a personal affront. The worst part was the toll it had taken on their relationship. They were together all the time, yet it felt like they were drifting apart.

The exhaustion at the end of each day left them too tired to do much more than collapse into bed. Their kisses were fleeting, more routine than passionate, and the romance that had once colored their lives was now a distant memory.

Sunoo missed the little things: the lazy mornings, the spontaneous outings, the simple joy of being with Sunghoon without the shadow of stress hanging over them.

Sunoo sighed, glancing at his boyfriend, who was still engrossed in his work. He longed for this phase to be over, for the day when they could celebrate their hard work and finally have time just for each other.

The rain continued to pour outside, but for once, it didn't seem like an inconvenience. Sunoo glanced over at Sunghoon, feeling a mix of relief and lingering fatigue. They had made it through the storm, both literal and metaphorical.

"Sunghoon hyung." Sunoo called out softly, breaking the silence. Sunghoon looked up from his laptop, a little stressed but a genuine smile spread across his face.

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