Popsicle's - Chapter 5

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Sunoo's soft pink lips were pulled into a prominent pout that conveyed his displeasure at the situation unfolding before him. He stood in the open doorway of their shared apartment, shoulders slumped and arms crossed tightly over his chest as he watched his bestfriend bustle around the entryway.

Sunghoon was fully dressed, now wearing his boots, a large duffel bag stuffed with clothes and essentials for his impromptu trip back home slung over his shoulder.

"Don't look at me like that baby." Sunghoon implored, setting down his luggage to pull Sunoo into a tight embrace. The younger reluctantly uncrossed his arms to return the hug, nuzzling his face into his shoulder with a quiet sigh.

"You know I have to go help my parents. It's only for a little while."

Sunoo nodded against his chest, but his pout remained. Sunghoon tucked a finger under his chin, gently raising the younger's face so their eyes met.

"Promise me you'll reply to all my messages, no matter what time it is or what you're doing." Sunoo insisted, his voice taking on a stern tone that contrasted with his delicate features.

"If you ignore me, I won't forgive you this time." His eyes flashed with conviction and Sunghoon couldn't help but smile and nod.

"I promise I'll stay in touch. And don't forget to call my parents too, you know they think of you as their own son." At this, Sunoo's face softened. He really did miss Sunghoon's family almost as much as he miss his own.

Sunghoon glanced at his watch, knowing his bus would be leaving soon. As he moved to grab his bags, a mischievous look crossed his face. Turning back to Sunoo, he leaned in close, their noses almost touching.

"Now that you're pouting at me like a sulky baby, there's just one thing left to do before I go." he murmured, eyes flickering down to Sunoo's plush lips.

Sunoo's cheeks flushed, but he played along.

"Oh? And what's that?"

Sunghoon slowly brought his index finger to his own mouth, tapping lightly. Sunoo broke into a smile, understanding his meaning.

"Kiss?" he asked softly, already leaning closer. Sunghoon nodded, eyes darkening as he pursed his lips. Sunoo closed the distance between them, melding their mouths together sweetly.

But Sunghoon wasn't satisfied with just a peck. He slid his hand around the back of younger's neck, deepening the kiss insistently. Sunoo yielded to him, parting his lips and allowing him to take control.

They kissed for a long moment, communicating wordlessly before their impending time apart, the kiss leaving them both a bit breathless.

Sunoo's lips tingled as he pulled back from the kiss first, his fingers coming up to gently wipe at his mouth and Sunghoon's, removing any last traces of their kiss.

A smile played at the corners of his mouth as he took in older's dazed expression, eyes still closed and lips slightly parted as he lingered in the feeling.

"You should get going." Sunoo murmured, his voice soft while Sunghoon's eyes fluttered open and he nodded, though he seemed reluctant to leave. Sunoo walked him to the door, their hands clasped together until he left.

"Call me when you get there." Sunoo said, and Sunghoon promised he would before turning and heading down the hallway, footsteps echoing. Sunoo watched him until he turned the corner, disappearing from view.

Shutting the door, he leaned back against it with a sigh, the apartment feeling empty and quiet without Sunghoon's presence. He wasn't sure what he would do to fill the time without his bestfriend here to keep him company.

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