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I plopped my feet up on the desk, settling myself into the big lounge chair, an air of boredom shrouding over me. Bertha lay across my lap like a snoozing cat, and with my pointer finger, I passively swirled shapes into the broad side of her blade. Negan had his hip propped up onto the arm of the chair and on the otherside of the desk, the side where guests were intended to sit, stood Troy's replacement, wringing his hands with a white-knuckled grip, jaw feathering. He didn't bother to sit since, choosing to standing in an obvious attempt to maintain his only position of authority whilst Negan and I lay claim on the office space.

A lazy grin stretched across my lips. I wasn't sure if Dave here was more pissed about the recent death of his leader, and his unexpected promotion from right-hand man to top-dog (however temporarily that title would hold before this group was inevitably decimated), or the fact that a woman was sitting in the chair of his leaders, which was now designated to him by rightful order of the Remmington's hierarchy. If there was any truth to what Negan had told me about this group and their not so pleasant habits, I was willing to bet my left kidney that Dave's panties were in a twist over someone with a pair of tits lounging like a princess in his big boy chair.

I eyed him up through my lashes.

Again, all I saw was a very average, mediocre man, with a very twisted soul lurking behind those beady eyes that were all too small for his comically large, bald head. And for a man so painfully unremarkable, his arrogance was baffling. I had to clamp down on the eager urge to bring his world crashing down, right here, right now.

It was instantly obvious to me when Dave stepped forward from the audience outside, after Negan called forth for Troy's replacement, who and what this man was before society toppled: Untalented, unaccomplished and insignificant. And so, when law and government plunged into hell along with the rest of humanity, Dave here saw it as his big break, to finally be someone, the big man: a King. And of course, who is the easiest targets of oppression for men who have no backbone and tiny cocks? Desperate, frightened women. Thats what the Remmington's were. Not Kings or Gods, but pathetic sad little men who likely spent their spare time on incel forums way back when.

It would bring me the greatest of pleasure to bring about a second extinction event up in this bitch. Even if it was partially in service to the saviours.

All in good time. Negan had a plan here, not one that I had been clued in on, but I would go with the flow and for this single instance, follow his lead. For on this one and only occasion, we were unified in purpose and intention: to wipe the scum from the earth and also, more importantly, recover rightful ownership of the saunas and hot tubs in this settlement. Those facilities were just screaming for my liberation.

Beyond this room, at this very moment, the saviours were ransacking the Remmington base. Just the same typical, unprompted shakedown, a protocol each of the settlements under the Sanctuary's jurisdiction had or will endure. This was nothing new to the Remmington's, which was evident by the fact that they too had been robbed of their firearms, just as Alexandria had. Right now, these fuckers thought that tomorrow still belonged to them, that tonight they would bury their dead leader, have dinner, go to bed and wake up the next morning for a new day. All Negan was waiting for now, I'm guessing, was a signal down the radio, for a saviour to call out their discovery of the slaves here or even mere evidence of such. And then I'm sure it was gonna be all guns blazing.

I peeked up at Negan. With a shit eating grin, he was staring Dave down, Troy's blood still cooling on his cheek. I couldn't decide if I was more grateful to be on the same side of this with him looking like a deranged serial killer, or ashamed of myself for agreeing to help him. For this one occasion, I was giving myself a pass. He had the right intentions with this, and I was willing to ally myself with one evil to terminate a greater evil.

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