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I pushed up from the hood of the car. "Are you... you aren't serious." I scoffed.

Negan tilted his head in innocent confusion. "Well, why of course I'm being serious, Dice."

I gaped. "No." Shook my head. "No, fuck you, Negan, no way, not a fucking chance in hell. There's too many of them, and only one of me." I hated how my voice trembled as grew louder, my heart thundering in my chest so hard I thought it might shatter the cage of bone holding it captive.

I whirled, fully intemding to stomp my ass right back to the truck to escape this insanity, but Simon stepped into my path with a cruel grin, gripped my shoulder and twisted me back around, shoving me towards Negan.

I almost missed the stare he sent Simon's way, but didn't have time to analyse what it meant. My mind was too busy going into overdrive, flipping through every possible escape route, but each time I found a solution, I slammed into a wall with Daryl's name scrawled across it in big bold writing. I couldn't do shit. Couldn't run, couldn't fight back, because whatever I did to try and save myself from this, it would only bite Daryl in the ass, serving him to a fatal fate as a punishment for my selfishness.

I should've just stayed in the truck like I was told to. Why did I have to be such a smartass, following Negan out here just to piss him off?

Well, I'd gotten what I wanted, I suppose, but I'd gone too far, pushed him too far. I was fucked. So royally, absolutely fucked.

"They're going to tear me apart, you Prick!" I blazed, anger burning through the fear, reducing it to smolders, fueling the fire so the flame might burn hotter, completely numbing me to the panic cresting in my chest, like scolding water on aching muscles.

"There's only about thirty of them. I think you'll manage." Negan smiled encouragingly, "If I remember correctly, thats only half the number of workers who were at the outpost. No, less than that even. You were plenty capable then, Dice, weren't you? You weren't so resistant to throwing yourself into the deep end when it was my people. Living, breathing, alive people. But what, now you have a soft spot for the dead? You're fine killing the living in cold blood, but not some rotting, hungry fleshbags? We really are learning so much about eachother today, Dicey, aren't we?"

"That was different! That was different, you Asshole and you know it! You twisted fuck." I scoffed out a laugh, "Is this cos' I rejected you?" I wanted to tear his ego down infront of his people before I walked into hell, making sure I done some real damage where it would hurt, firing wounding shots at his character. "Is your pride really so fragile that you want me dead because I didn't want to fuck you?" I cackled coldly. "I might hate you, Negan, but I still had some morsel of respect for you. Despite everything, I thought you deserved at least that. But I'm realising now, my respect for you was majorly undeserving. You're fucking pathetic. It's actually disappointing. You've actually managed to disappoint me? You know how rare that is?"

He gave a casual shrug, which only served to piss me off even more. "It's not that deep, Doll. Now run along, do as you've been told for once, yeah?"

Doll? I wasn't his fucking doll.

I chewed on my tongue, fire thrashing wildly in veins, so hot it was almost painful. A haze of red filtered over my vision.

I whirled, snatching the blades from Arat's hips, so fast she didn't have time to react. Negan motioned for her to stand down, and like a good pet, she did.

I absently twirled the daggers between my fingers as I stared Negan down.

For a long moment, as the groans and gruesome slurping of the walkers chomping down on their dinner drifted over to us on a strong breeze, I considered killing Negan. Really killing him, right here, right now, just so I could be done with it. I imagined darting forwards, leaping over the metre of tarmac that separated us, and planting the blades so deep into his eye sockets they'd be stuck there, like a couple of swords in the fucking stone. I would die. One of these pricks would put a bullet in my brain and the world would keep on spinning.

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