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TW: v0miting (if any of this topic make you feel uncomfortable, then I'd advise you to skip the part, it's not too graphic but I'll put a warning when it starts <3

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TW: v0miting (if any of this topic make you feel uncomfortable, then I'd advise you to skip the part, it's not too graphic but I'll put a warning when it starts <3

Many people started reaching over and piling their plates up with food whilst chatting to there're friends and sharing opinions about what they just watches. Meanwhile,  Ron decided on a full roast with six potatoes and 4 Yorkshire puddings and a slice of chicken and lamb meat, with some crackling and a massive slice of red velvet cake.

Hermione went for the chicken curry with some pumpkin juice and a slice of vanilla cake with custard.

Rose ran a hand through her hair, sighing as she stared at the food that made her feel nauseas just with the smell, rose eventually decided on 2 pieces of steak pie with gravy and pumpkin juice, with 2 slices of treacle tart, which was unusual considering Rose has always been a small eater, unless it was at an event, considering her time at the Dursley's.

Hermione watched with surprise, but also proudness  at the fact that her friend was eating properly, but also surprised considering rose hardly ate.

Considering Rose felt sick, she was surprisingly pretty hungry and she ate faster than usual, which was new to her and everyone around her because rose was quite a slow eater.

"Hmm, the outsiders or little women is definitely my favourite muggle book" rose spoke to Hermione, whom she was talking about muggle books with "hmm, the outsiders isn't really my type of book" Hermione spoke but quickly added "but I loved little wome-"

"Excuse me" rose interrupted her friend quickly excusing herself, running to the nearest bathroom.

TW: vomiting

Rose leaned over the toilet, puking her guts up, rose sobbed as she continued being sick, stomach aching, yet she couldn't stop.

She hardly registered Ginny coming up behind her, holding her hair back whispering soothing words into her ears, as she puked her meal up.

ends here!!

Rose pulled away from the toilet and cried into Ginny's chest, that was one thing Rose has always hated, being sick.

Ginny rubbed her back as Hermione came in with Madame Promfey "no, she was sick earlier and the past two mornings aswell" she heard hermione's muffled voice that was laced with concern speaking with Madame Promfey.

"can I do a check up on you Rose?" Madame Promfey asked the girl not wanting her to feel uncomfortable, having a distinct feeling of what it might be.

"Can I brush my teeth first and wash my face?" Rose grimaced.

"Of course" Madame Promfey then turned to Hermione and Ginny "give her some space"

Rose quickly brushed her teeth, and washed her tear stained face, taking one look at her reflection before sighing and walking out of the bathroom, to the hospital wing.

"Right, I'm going to do a quick scan on you, to see if you've perhaps eaten anything you shouldn't have or have a bug, okay" Madame Promfey ran health checks and surprisingly, her health was perfectly fine.

Rose was starting to get concerned, if her health was fine but she was being sick, surely that's a bad thing?

"Rose, I want to do one last scan, but I need you to remain calm" Rose was confused, Madame Promfey was clearly concerned, but surely it couldn't be something bad?

Madame Promfey got a scanner, she vaguely recognised it as the ones they use at St Mugos for pregnancy scans, Rose could have laughed at the thought, her, pregnant? no way, Jack pulled out, didn't he?

Madame Promfey got the scanner and scanned it over Rose's stomach, Madame Promfey's eyes widened before she quickly snapped hers up to Rose "rose, have you been sexually active lately?"

Rose's eyes widened at the question, she decided it was best to be honest and nodded "well I'll have to speak to Dumbledore then, congratulations Rose, you're pregnant"

Rose felt like her whole world stopped, she was only 16? How is she supposed to take care of a child whilst Voldemort is on the loose, what if Voldemort kills her child? Jack's child

After Rose had calmed down, not really calm but you get the idea, she decided she was only going to tell the Weasley Clan and Hermione, that last thing she wanted was Rita Skeeter finding out.

She can already imagine the headlines 'Scandal: chosen one pregnant with a bastard child?' Skeeter would have a field day.

Surprisingly, telling the weasleys's and Hermione went better than she thought it would. Molly was happy to have child in the family, she could tell Molly is gonna try and look after her. Arthur was happy for her, Fred and George teased her about losing her virginity and wanted to know who the mystery guy was, Ron was suprised that his best mate was pregnant but Hermione and Ginny where really supportive, they couldn't imagine what they're friend was going through, they also had a feeling that Jack was the farther.

𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐊𝐒, wtm titanic x Harry Potter Where stories live. Discover now