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Facing the pathway to your school in midnight is unusual, and this young man has full of questions as he is standing there barefooted;

"Sleepwalking again?"
"Or am I just excited for my first class?"

he thought.

Taking his steps slowly but surely as he could, for darkness is the only thing he is seeing.

One step, two steps...and he has stepped on something: a flashlight. Surprised in the coincidence, but he immediately thought how lucky he is as it could help clear his path going back to his dorm.

The flashlight was turned on, and he took his steps again, quicker this time. Few steps before he reaches his dormitory just across his school, he has heard a voice from someone not so far away, the entity behind the call is unknown to him, yet it is not new.

"Archraeim." (Ar-kre-im)

"Who are you? Show yourself!"

The entity keeps on saying the word in which he can't understand what it is - could be a chant, or a name, whatever. But the longer he hears it, it makes him feel pain and weakness for unknown reason.

He tries to run back to his dormitory, but his body suddenly can't move even a single step. He is kneeling on the ground, for the pain is now unbearable and it makes him weak. He is trying to call for help, but no words are coming from his mouth.

"The magic must be gone, and it must end through you."

His consciousness is starting to lose until a flash of golden light shines from his hazel-colored eyes. He quickly stands up and unconsciously, in his hands appear powerful strands in gold, and an enormous magic emblem was drawn in the sky that no one has ever seen.

"Revelare, cygni!"

As he speaks out those words, an unusual aurora borealis shines brightly in colors of Ruby, Gold, Topaz, Sapphire, and Emerald, making it a one of a kind of celestial light. The heavenly bodies illuminate like never before, the clouds that are freely moving now moves in encircling motion, making a portion of the night sky appears like morning skies. Beams of golden light appear in the stars of the constellation cygnus, connecting each other. As it completes, the spirit of the gracious swan appears in full prominence, preparing to unleash its power.

The voice of the hidden entity has shrouded with fear and surprise.

"How-- how could you?!"

The entity wails in frustration, and suddenly nowhere to be heard.

The brightness of his eyes immediately dim out. The conjured magic emblem has vanished. The celestial lights, and the summoned spirit have gone. Everything went like nothing happened, except the rays of the sun has started to light up the skies.

He keeps his balance weakly as he walks. As he has finally faced the door of his room, he tries to reach the doorknob, but what happened earlier took a great toll on him and he collapsed to the ground.

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