Chapter Seven

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Nathaniel's height posed a bit of a problem. He was easily a foot taller than me, my head only coming up to the middle of his chest. I would have to stand on my toes to reach up to measure around his neck, unless I could find a step-stool, though looking around it seemed to be the one thing lacking in the otherwise perfectly outfitted workshop.

"Is there something wrong?" Nathaniel asked, looking down at me expectantly.

"You'll have to sit," I chewed on my bottom lip, pulling out a stool from under the workbench, "At least while I take measurements for your upper body."

Nathaniel obliged, taking a seat on the stool that was much too small for him. The Lord had a way of making everything seem tiny, including myself. I was by no means a small person, but in his presence I felt almost delicate.

"Are you alright with me touching you, My Lord?" I hesitated for a moment, my hands hovering over his shoulders, "I should tell you that if you say no, this might be rather difficult."

"You can touch me however you please," Nathaniel rumbled, shooting me a sideways glance, "Consider me yours to use as you wish, little female."

If Nathaniel slipped another double entendre my way, I was going to combust into flames. I don't think my face could have gotten any hotter–I was practically as red as a tomato. Whatever bizarre satisfaction Nathaniel got from flirting with me, I hoped he would have his fill soon enough so that I could get to work. It would be torture trying to focus with him around if he kept this up the whole time that I was in his employ.

I made quick work of the shoulders and neck, scribbling down measurements on the pad of paper before gesturing for him to stand. He followed my direction dutifully, watching me closely with every movement I made.

Circling around him, I stretched the measuring tape out between his shoulder blades. The Lord's back was impossibly broad, and I could feel the hard layers of muscle beneath his shirt. What would he look like without it on, I wondered, before remembering I would have to see him undressed eventually, when his clothes were ready to be fitted.

Gods above give me strength for when that time comes.

I continued my work, bit by bit, and he stayed perfectly still, continuing his careful study of me. Heat radiated off of him like a furnace. All Wolves ran hot; something about their biology that gave them energy like no other being possessed, giving them their supernatural strength and speed.

"Sorry about this," I muttered, not quite looking him in the eye as I circled back around to his front, "I have to measure your waist." Reaching my arms around him, I practically had to press myself against him to reach the measuring tape all the way around. Nathaniel's whole body tensed, his breath catching as I moved my arms around him.

I stepped away as soon as I was able, writing down the measurement on my pad as I gathered up my courage to take the last set of measurements. With a sigh, I set down my pencil and knelt in front of him. Nathaniel's eyes darkened in an instant as he took in my position, my face almost eye level with his crotch.

I could feel him staring at me as I measured his legs, and when I looked up at him, his eyes were swirling with desire. I wondered if the same thoughts swirling around in my mind were also gathering in his at my compromising position.

Did he look at other females the same way? Other servants? Did he flirt with them with the same intelligent tongue he used against me? The idea made me unreasonably angry, my grip tightening on the measuring tape.

The very notion of him looking at someone else with interest was infuriating, a strange sense of possessiveness taking hold of me, though I had no right to him or his actions. He was the Lord; he could do what he liked, and no silly crush from a human like me would hold any sway over him. Still, it was nice to imagine a world in which he saved those looks just for me, a world in which I was kneeling before him for a very different reason.

Desire replaced my anger, and I squeezed my eyes shut as thoughts of Nathaniel overtook my mind. I had to get a hold of myself. No one had ever made me feel this way before, man or Wolf. No one had ever made me feel so flustered, or invaded my thoughts so thoroughly as this alpha, with his piercing eyes and air of masculine dominance. And that scent – Gods above.

I tried to focus on thoughts of Mother, the only thing I knew that would stabilize me. On the memories of her sitting in bed, unable to move, unable to get help. Of the countless healers I had gone to for help; all of them Wolves and all of them unwilling to help a human without the money to pay. All of them predators looking down their noses at prey. That was what I had to remember about Nathaniel, a fact he had reminded me of himself only the day before.

Nathaniel was a Wolf, and wolves were predators, born to hunt prey like me. He was enticing only because he was designed to be, everything about him drawing me nearer so that I could fall into his trap. I was merely a new toy for him, and I was sure that by the time he grew bored with me, I would be out on the street again.

Pushing myself off of the ground, my foot caught on the hem of my dress, but Nathaniel's arm shot down to catch me before I could stumble. His grip was iron tight around my elbow, and the tingles that I had felt before at his subtle touch erupted into sparks that shot up my arm and towards my chest. An ache surged in my chest, an urge to push myself closer towards Nathaniel until we were as close as two people could possibly be.

Nathaniel released me slowly as I found my footing, showing no signs that he had felt anything close to the sensations that I had when he touched my skin. "I promise I'm not usually so clumsy," I said, remembering how he had found me in the alley, "Humans may not have your reflexes, but we're not entirely helpless, I can assure you. "

"I believe you," Nathaniel gave a gentle chuckle, "But know that should you need me, I will be there to catch you."

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