ALMOST half of Guia's life, she never knew who her father is. Even if she wanted to ask her mom about him, she's afraid that she might upset her. Her mother always making sure that she have a comfortable and normal life. Guia saw her mother working day and night just to make sure she won't have any difficulties. That's why she promise to herself not to upset her mother or make her worry.

When her mother met a man who accepted her and love her, Guia even help the man to propose to her mother. Now, the two are already married for 13 years and Guia saw how happy her mom is. When they decided to stay in Canada, Guia chose to stay in the Philippines. She even convinced her mom for days before she allowed her to stay. Since then, they both live separately. Though, they still communicate through social media and sometimes her mother come to visit her, with my husband and half-siblings.

Guia thought that she won't be able to know the man who's partly the reason of her existence. Her father. But recently, someone came saying he's the assistant of her father...

Guia came home late from work and saw that the light from her best friend's café was still on. The sign at the door says the café is already close though. When she came in, she saw her best friend talking to someone wearing expensive formal suit.

"Guia, finally you're here." Venice came and stood up to pull her near the two guys. "Guia, this is Mr. Min Shinho." She introduced the guy. "He's been waiting for you since this afternoon. He said he needed to talk to you about some important matter." Venice whispered and then turns to the guy. "Mr. Shinho, this is Guia-jean Gabriella Cervantes, the one you're looking for. I'll go and get you some more tea." Venice took the empty cup on the table and left just like that.

Guia was confused on why her best friend's behavior but when she turn to the foreign guy, her friend call Mr. Min, she can sense his domineering aura. Though Guia is not affected by it, she is curious what he needed from her.

"Can I help you, sir?"

"This is my calling card." The man just answered and gave her his card. "You're mother, suggested me to give this to you personally as well." He continued and gave her a thick brown envelop. Guia took and opened it. Her forehead immediately furrowed when she saw the documents.

"What is this all about? Who is Jayden Moon?" The name stated in the documents is about a man named Jayden Moon and his businesses.

"He's your father." The man answered which made her stop scanning the documents to see if he's joking or not, but the guy is serious.

Guia tried to weigh her feelings and thoughts but one thing came into her mind, which also confirmed her suspicion on why she never saw him since she was born. Every time she tried to ask her mom, she's always changing the topic or just dodging it. It is because the man possibly didn't know that she exists.

"How did he found out about me?" Guia bluntly asked which made the listener a bit surprised. He probably didn't expect her to ask that question without interrogating him more.

"He found out about you about a year ago. He has no idea that your mom got pregnant when she suddenly disappeared from him. Your father met an old friend who was also acquainted with your mom. He told him about the last time he talked to your mother about their child. Your mom asked him not to mention about it to your father, but then he slipped. That's when your father started to look for your mom by himself back then, but we have some difficulties looking for her because of a lot of changes happened, like her being married and stayed in Arizona with her new family."

Guia nodded. "How are you sure that I am really the child of your boss?" She has no idea if this guy is really telling the truth or not, but her instinct tells her that it might be real now.

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