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GUIA can say that even though the woman is already old, she still maintain her beauty and class. She might have wrinkles but her beauty is still obvious. Speaking of that beauty... Guia also feel that all the guys who are with them were all good looking too. A sudden thought came into her mind.

"Are you sure that I am your granddaughter? I mean, look at them, and look at you." She gestured to everyone. "Even though you're old, your beauty is still visible. And these guys, they are all good looking and handsome, and probably tall too. Then look at me, a total opposite. Have you thought that maybe I'm not the granddaughter you were looking for? I might just have the same name as her." Guia said, more on convincing herself, because she knew that there are evidences that she's really the daughter of Jayden Moon. Moreover, she just said those things even though she's not sure about their appearances.

"If your name is not Guia-jean Gabriella Cervantes, and not the daughter of Catalina Cervantes who came to Singapore and work in a hotel 31 years ago, met my son Jayden and stayed there for 2 years, but then went back to the Philippines, most likely because of me, and found out later that she's pregnant. If that's not the case, then it's not you." The old woman said as a matter of fact, but for Guia it sounds more like a sarcasm.

"We also gave you the DNA test result. If you are still not convinced, we can do that again here with your presence." Min Shinho added that made Guia glared at him.

"Whatever!" Guia said rolling her eyes upward. "Anyway, I'm sorry but I refuse to stay here. No matter how long or short it will be; my life is not here. So can I just go back to the Philippines? I won't see my father anyway, that's the mere reason why I'm here in the first place."

"I said no!" The old woman said strongly that made everyone fell silent and Guia to be confused. "You can't leave this country just yet. Do you hear me?"

"Why not?"

"Like I said, you have to stay here for a while and be with your brothers. Hăo, you can go back there right now if you want, but don't expect to still have everything you had." The old woman continued and sounds like threatening her.

"What do you mean by that?" Guia asked confused but then feel serious hearing what the old woman said.

"You know what I mean." The old woman said but this time in a challenging tone. "You probably know that we have connections there that we can call anytime and anyone connected to your work."

"Are you threatening me right now?" Guia felt furious and even stood up to face the old woman properly. "How dare you? You have no right."

"Of course I dare, and I have the right. I am your grandmother and I can get what I always wanted."

The last thing that Guia wanted is for someone to mess up with her and her work. She did everything she could to be where she at right now. So the old woman threatening her about losing that job made Guia furious.

"First, you manipulated my boss to force me to have a leave and forced me to come here all of a sudden. And now you're threatening me? That's a bull!" She's not a disrespectful person because her mom raised her to respect everyone, no matter what age or who they are. But this is just too much for her.

"Calm down, Miss." Shinho intervene while blocking her from going near the old woman.

"How can I calm down when she just threatened me to lose my job? I didn't even came here voluntarily. But I'm still here looking forward to meet my father, but if she won't let me do that, then I don't have any reason to stay. And she has the nerve to threaten me lose what I have?" Guia looked at the old woman again. "You have no right to control my life. You are just a stranger to me. I don't care who you are or what you can do, but I don't want to stay here. You hear me? I'm leaving and you can't stop me!" Then she started walking away.

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