DARK embraces Guia's eyes when she open them. She woke up because of the doorbell. She eventually fell asleep after Mr. Min left a while ago. So, still feeling exhausted and sleepy, she drag herself up to open the lights of the house and the door.

"Good evening noona." Two men are standing outside the door and the taller one greeted her. "My name is Ilwoo and this is Mio." He's refereeing to the other guy.

"Can I help you?" She asked still sleepy. Right now she just wanted to sleep. It seems like her body is now seeking some rest from the sleepless or sleeping late these past days. The company will release new set of designs soon and she just finished it before coming here.

"Sorry to disturb your sleep noona but Aiden-hyung asked us to come and get you. Dinner is ready at the main house and the others are already there." Ilwoo explained.

"We can explain it further to you on our way, phi." Mio added. "But for now, we have to go."

"Now? Can I at least freshen up first?"

"Oh, sorry. Sure, so ahead. We'll wait for you here." Ilwoo answered that's why Guia leave them at the door and went back to her room.

After she freshen up and change her clothes, she went out and saw them waiting outside the car.

"Thanks." Mio opened the door for her before going inside the car too.

"This is your first night with us, so Aiden-hyung wanted us to have dinner together. He'll probably say about the breakfast every day as well. It's the only way we can see each other before we can are going to be busy with our work or daily activities." Ilwoo explained while driving.

"Is it mandatory to go and follow what they wanted?" I asked curiously.

"Phi Aiden just wanted us to have at least a few hours of being together as siblings. He said it's just one demand he wanted from us and we can do whatever we wanted after. In fact we can go out of here and go somewhere else, but we should be back at night." Mio also explained.

Guia stayed silent and just watch the view outside the car. It was already dark but there are lights on the street lamps and they even pass two parks before reaching the main house. It's the house where they came this morning. She followed the two until they reach the dining room where the others are already seated.

"Good evening, Guia-jean. Did you rest well?" Aiden asked after she took the vacant seat.

Guia cringe hearing her whole first name. She's not used to be called that way. They possibly been calling her that name since she got there but she's too preoccupied to correct them.

"Not really." She answered honestly. "And you can just call me Guia. You don't need to include the Jean."

"Guia it is then. Anyway, you still have plenty of time to rest later. By the way, I didn't introduce everyone this morning. At least for you to know the names. This is Bentley, Carter, Edward, ..." Aiden started to introduce everyone who's in the dining table and she tried her best to remember their names, even though she can't tell who is who after they get out of that table yet. Her mind is still dizzy to memorize their differences.

"Fresh salmon?" Gene, the guy sitting beside her offered the food.

"No thanks, I don't eat raw foods."

"What a picky eater." Flynn, the guy sitting in front of her commented with sarcastic tone and she can tell that he intended for her to hear it. Guia just raised her eyebrow on him.

"Except for Junwoo-hyung who can't eat seafood because he's allergic to it, everyone here is fine with anything. How about you? Do you have any allergies too, noona?" Kent asked after a while.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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