GUIA went to the second floor. The first door was empty so it's not probably her room. She continued walking until she reach the next door but it is a bathroom. The third door on the far edge is probably the room or where could it be? When she enter the room, she gaze around after closing the door. She was petrified with what she saw. Everything is color pink, like she's in a Barbie room. The room is bigger than her room in the Philippines though. About twice or even thrice of it.

She explore the room and check everything. Her jaw dropped the moment she entered another door beside the bathroom. It is a walk-in closet. It has full of branded clothes hanging; different styles for different seasons. There are also shoes and bags with different brands and it was neatly arranged on the other side. Some accessories are also neatly place at the center with glass as cover.

So much waste of money, Guia though. She know that she won't be able to use everything in here, especially the accessories. On the other hand, she is amaze to see the styles and the colors of all the clothes. Although there are some formal dresses on it with stilettos and wedges beside, where she knew that she won't use or wear. She can't see any neon colors or bright colors in it. Except white, gray and sky blue which is okay for her. Overall, there are no styles she hated. At least their efforts will not be wasted on buying those things.

"How did they even know my style or type of wearing? Does my mom told them? But I bet mom knew my style." I can't help but to monologue and then shrugged and just took a pair of PJ's from it, then went to the bathroom to freshen up. Again, she's not surprised to see the bathroom has a bathtub and a shower separated but it can't stop her to be amazed. The bathroom is huge like those she saw in hotels. At least it doesn't have color pink on it, except for some bath towels on the cabinet.

After taking a shower and drying her hair, Guia sat on the bed and decided to call her mom to say what happened, mostly complaining. She thought that her mother will be sympathetic and be on her side, but she just told her to do whatever the grandma asked.

"It was not a difficult thing to do, anak. You just need to stay there get along with your half-siblings."

'Anak' means child in Filipino language.

"Why are you not surprised to know that I have a lot of half-siblings?" Guia told her about the brothers and how shocked she was to meet them but her mother wasn't.

"I am, but then I remember that knowing your father, that's not even surprising. When I met him, I know that he already have sons, although, he kept his engagement from me. I didn't have the chance to meet his sons before because most of them stayed in the US or somewhere. Anyway, I know that you will be fine there. Aiden promised me to take good care of you and I trust him because I know that he's a man of his words."

"How are you even sure of that? Mama, it's not that easy to stay here all by myself. I mean, yeah it's just staying here and trying to get along with them, but heck, I am the only woman. It's kind of awkward for me. Plus, I feel intimidated by them."

"And since when did you get intimidated by anyone? Guia, you've met a lot of different people already, whether they are handsome, pretty, gorgeous or whatever. You just don't care about it because you said that you won't see their gorgeous faces anyway. They all look the same to you. When you met someone that has a strong personality and scary appeals, you didn't let them bring you down. Then you're saying that you are now frightened just because you know they are all handsome and taller than you?"

"I'm not scared of them, ma. Their appearance was just daunting to me. I felt like I am in a kind of reality show. It just felt weird. Even if I can't see their faces, I still feel their characteristic and I knew that we are all different."

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