First Day Jitters

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season 1 episode 1

West coast. 

Celeste had sworn off living on the west coast her whole life. Yet, here she is.

With her backpack on her back, she walked into the firehouse of Station 19 in Seattle Washington.

Hey, at least she went to Washington and not California.

She looked around at the modern design. Way different than her station back in the city. 

"Hi, can I help you?" She looked over at the man sitting behind the desk.

"I'm Celeste Diaz, the transfer from Engine 4." She rested her hands on the desk in front of her as she spoke.

"Oh! Wow! Um, it is a pleasure to meet you, wow. I am Travis Montgomery, I have heard so much about you and your amazing, amazing, bloodline." Celeste nodded at him as he spoke. But he must have been done as he just looked at her as she waited for him to continue for breif, awkward, seconds.

"Okay, um, where can I find Captain Herrera?" 

"Right! Right-" He looked over his shoulder. "Okay, he is not in his office. He might be in the barn. I-I can help you find him!"

"That would be great." 

The woman followed him through the door behind the desk, revealing the ladder, the engine, and the aid car. The exterior did not do the interior justice.

"There is a smudge right there probie." She hard a voice say.

"Captain!" Travis picked up his step as he walked up to the short older man. Pruitt Herrera turned around and smiled wide.

"Ah! Celeste Diaz!" He walked right up to her, wrapping her in a hug. "Long time no see, nina."

"It's great to see you again, sir." Celeste smiled, wrapping her arms around him in return. "I appreciate you finding me a spot in your house too, needed a change of scenerey." 

"It wasn't hard. I have more pull than I thought." Celeste smiled. "Thank you Montgomery, I will take her from here."

"Yes, sir. Again, pleasure to meet you Diaz." Celeste nodded at him as he walked back towards the door.

"Can I give you a tour?"

"Thta would be helpful." 


Now dressed in her navy uniform, her hair in a low bun, Celeste was walking down the steps of the barn.

"Line up!" Pruitt yelled. She watched as the house members stood in their respective spots. Celeste was last, taking a spot on the end. She couldn't fight the small smile that graced her lips as she noticed three other women in line. "Now, we have a new face in the fire house."

"New probie?" A tall man smirked.

"Oh no, she has been in the game longer than most of you, Gibson. Celeste-" The brunette looked over and saw the captain waving her up. She fell out of line, walking through the asile of firefighters. "Celeste Diaz comes from a long line of firefighters and EMT's of the NYFD. We are lucky enough to have her." 

"Thank you, sir." Celeste nodded at her new captain, before turning to see the faces of the others. Travis had a smile on his face, the others the opposite. 

"She is more experienced than most, if not all, of you. If I hear of any hazing, you will be cleaning the engines for a week."

The group was silent, all looking at each other as they reolled their eyes. The silences was interuptd by the alarm going off.

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