Contain the Flame

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season 1 episode 3 (mid chapter)

Celeste looked up at the Space Needle. She was forced the day off, so she decieded to play tourist in the city she now lives in. She contemplated on if she wanted to actually wanted to spend almost thirty dollars to go up.

"First responders get a discount." She looked over at a man standing next to her.

"Um, how do you know-"

"Right, um sorry. Dr. Andrew Deluca. I remember seeing you in the hospital yesterday."

"Doctor, good. I thought you were just some stalker." She laughed.

"Heard there was a big fire at an apartment building, what are you doing here?"

"Mandatory time off." She answered. Andrew gave her a look. "It was a long night." She laughed to herself.

"So, you decided to play tourist for a day?"

"Is it that obvious?" She tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear.

"Well, great minds think alike." She smiled. "Like I said, we get discounts. Come on."

She followed him inside the lobby of the Space Needle as they walked to the counter.

"Hi! Welcome!" The receptionist said.

"Thank you." Andrew smiled. "Uh, two tickets please. I'm a doctor and she is a first responder." He flashed his Grey-Sloan badge.

"Wow, um thank you. You have a badge ma'am?" The woman asked.

"Oh, um. Yeah." She dug through her bag, pulling out her shiny new SFD ID badge.

"Well, thank you both for your service. Enjoy the view." The two thanked her as they walked to the elevator.

"So, how long have you been in Seattle?" Andrew asked her.

"Um, just a couple of days now. You?"

"Years now. A few very crazy years." Celeste laughed.

"Well, good to know the crazy does not go away." Andrew gave her a face with a nod causing her to laugh more. "Hey, um, your friends with Ben Warren right?"

"Yeah. He was a resident before leaving. Man has done everything at this point."

"I knew I recognized your name. The smart and often irrational Italian."

"Is that what he is saying?"

"He never said your irrantionality ended badly."

"Because it never does." He gave her a smile as the elevator opened. "After you."

"Thanks." She stepped out and instantly smiled at the view. "Wow." She stepped closer to the window and looked down at the people who looked like ants.

"I was hoping we could get over our fear of heights together." Andrew said, his voice shaking slightly as he stood a few steps back.

"I'm from Manhatten, I frequented skyscrapers." She turned to look at him and saw that his face was a lille paler than before. "Come on." She held her hand out. He looked at her, taking a deep breath before taking her hand and stepping forward.

"How strong is this glass?"

"I'm sure it is very strong." She answered. He avoided looking at the street below, his eyes focusing on the water.

"I-It is pretty spectacular." He laughed. Celeste nodded, watching as some birds flew by their feet. "So, New York? What brings you to Seattle?"

"Needed a change. I was born and raised there and just-" She took a deep breath as she led them over to a empty bench to sit down. She noticed her hand still in his and let go. "-I felt like I was suffocating. My whole life was planned out for me and I wanted to do something for myself."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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