Jaiden fluff (Read aiden angst chapter first!)

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Aidens Pov:

It was the day after.
I slept at Jake and Toms house and just woke up. I looked at my phone to see that it was 10 am. 

I have 4 hours to prepare myself. I go to the kitchen to see that Jake and Tom are already there.
"Goodmorning Aiden, how did you sleep?"
"I slept okay, I'm just nervous."
"You'll be fine. He clearly likes you back."
"Can I take a shower?"
"Of course, why not, but first eat!"
"Yeah, yeah, I will."

I eat my breakfast and take a shower afterward. I still have two hours, so I decided to talk to Jake.

"Hey Jake, can I ask you something?"
"Did Tom ask you to be his bf, or did you do that to him?"
"I asked him, why do you ask?"
"Well, I want to ask James, but I don't know how.."
"I mean, I just asked him. And he said yes."
"Is it that easy?"
"Well, yeah?"
"Okay then, I will ask him!"
"Good luck!"
"Thank you."

2pm, still Aidens pov

Okay, I am so nervous. James just picked me up, and we are in the car, on our way to the lake.

We arrived, got out of the car, and walked over to a spot to sit. The weather was beautiful.
"Hey, so about our dms yesterday."
"Yeah, what's up?" he asked
I blushed as I leaned in to kiss him. He also blushed back as we shared a kiss.
"Do you want to be my boyfriend?" I ask him.
"Yes, I do, Aiden." He said.
We share another kiss as I place my hand on top of his. I lay down on the blanket James brought, and he did the same as we looked at each other.
after an hour or two, we decided to go home. James goes to Tom and Jake's house first. I give him a kiss before he drives off, and I walk towards the door.

I ring the doorbell, with a big smile on my face. Jake opens the door.
"I see someone is happy."
"Yeah, I'll tell you once inside."

we went inside, and I sat down, Tom being there too.
"So, don't leave us waiting."
"Okay, so James is officially my boyfriend."
"Really?" Jake says.
"Yes!!" I say, smiling.
"Congrats!" They both say.

The doorbell rang again. Jake went to look and came back with 3 pizzas.
"I love pizza!" I say.

We all ate and decided to watch a movie. Jake and Tom went to bed, and let's just say, I could hear them. I was still on the couch texting James.

Aiden: Jake and Tom are having sex.. They're loud.
James: Could be us, you know?
Aiden: WHAT
James: I'm joking!!
Aiden: Good lord, anyways, it's super annoying.
James: Just put headphones in
Aiden: Will do.

I put my headphones in and turned up a playlist I made when I had a crush on james. 'A Little Death' by The Neighbourhood played.

James: Are you there?
Aiden: Oh yeah, I'm sorry. I just put on music.
James: What are you listening to?
Aiden: A Little Death by The Neighbourhood.
James: I love that song!
Aiden: Same, it's so good.
I'm going to bed, though. I'm getting tired.
James: Goodnight Aiden <3
Aiden: Goodnight James <3


Idk if I like this, but whatever.

Sander, 564 words.

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