9 | Old habits don't die

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A shorter chapter for today.

Tutoring went just like yesterday. He showed up late. This time he didn't apologize wasn't expecting it if I'm being completely honest but still... Anway we got to work. The time passed quicker today though and before I knew it we were done for the day.

Xavier litterally jumped off his chair and left. I stayed with Kayla waiting for her to pack up then we left together. Outside Cy was already waiting as promised, under his arm he had a motorcycle helmet.

So I have to get in that thing again even though he knows I hate it... Thank you my loveliest lovely boyfriend.

"How was tutoring babe?" He greeted me and gave me a quick kiss.

Xavier who was standing beside his motorcycle lifted his head and raised an eyebrow. So he's invested in our business even if he acts like he isn't.


Kayla on the other hand just smiled.

"I had no idea. You two make a lovely couple though." She said.

"Thanks." The two of us replied in sync.

We said goodbye and then she left.

"Would it have been to hard to pick me up in that damn car you know how much I despise that thing."

"What's more romantic than being my backpack." He said teasingly.

I rolled my eyes, took the helmet he was stretching out and pulled it over my head. All done.

He just started laughing and took the helmet off.

"Tf you doing?" I said annoyed.

"Putting it on properly if anything were to happen you wouldn't be well protected." He said and put it on the supposedly right way. I didn't complain though. I let him do what he had to.

"Now we can leave." He patted me on the head which according to him was now well protected. He got on his bike and I climbed on behind him.

"You ready?" He asked.

"Yup." I replied.

"Hold on tight but you know the drill."

"Will do."

I held him close. Lie. I clung to him I'm not trying to die out here. Motorcycles might be cool and shit but they never will have my full trust. We arrived at my dorm safe though so that's good.

"Never ever I want to be on that again." Was the first thing that came to my mind.

"Ok. I'll keep that in mind and consider", he laughed "You goin to that party later though?"


"I was wondering if you'd maybe want me to take you there since I'm goin as well", he said and the added "We can take Brooke too of course."

"You're really into your role huh?" I smirked.

"If we do this then the right way."

"Mhmm", I said and gave him the eyes gotta be convincing after all "Thanks for asking but something tells me I should take my baby out today."

"No probs... you love that car more than you could ever love anyone huh?"

"Atleast she'll always be loyal." I said and walked off to get ready. I knew B was already waiting for me.

Two hours later

"Damn guurrll", Brooke exclaimed she had started to pre drink; Part of her preparation she claims "You look smoking. Cyrus won't know what hit him when he sees you."

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