Longing hearts pt 2

380 22 4

3rd Person POV:

Jungkook's Thoughts: *She was beautiful.*

Jungkook was both sad and happy. For 17 years he never saw his mother face bit seeing it he was happy but at the sane time he was sad thinking he don't remember her neither have any memories of her.

[Feeling overwhelmed by emotions, Jungkook quickly took some photos of the painting and left the room, fearing Taehyung might get upset or mad seeing him there.]

[At home, Jungkook found Jin cooking cupcakes in the kitchen. He hurriedly approached Jin and asked why he was home early from the hospital. Jin replied, saying he had a day off.]

Jin: "Yeah, I decided to take a break today. It's nice to have some time off."

[Jungkook glanced around and noticed everyone except Taehyung was at home.]

Jimin: *Walking downstairs to drink some water, he picked up a jar and poured himself a cup.*

[Jungkook suddenly remembered something and spoke up.]

Jungkook: "Jimin hyung, I now understand why you said that." *Gives a bunny smile.*

[Jimin raised an eyebrow, curious about Jungkook's comment.]

Jin, confused, continued to listen while cleaning the kitchen basin with a cloth. Jimin, equally puzzled, queried Jungkook's sudden mention.

Jimin: "Said what?" *Confused*

Jungkook: "You said Taehyung hyung's smile brings a smile to your face, and it feels like a bright light in darkness."

[Jin, hearing this, slowed down momentarily but resumed cleaning the basin.]

Jimin, placing the jar on the island counter, leaned against it with a sad smile, swirling the cup of water in his hand. Both Jin and Jimin shared the same thought: *We would do anything to see that smile again.*

Jimin: "Why are you bringing this up all of a sudden?" *Said in a low tone*

Jungkook: "Because I felt the same today when Taehyung hyung showed his boxy smile." *Dreamy eyes*

[Suddenly, Jungkook heard the sound of breaking glass. He turned to see Jimin with a shocked expression, looking towards him. Jin, who had been busy cleaning, also stopped and stared at him with gaping mouth and wide eyes.]

Jungkook: "OMG Jimin hyung, are you okay?"

[Jungkook wore a worried expression, but Jimin paid no attention. He rushed towards Jungkook along with Jin and shook him hard.]

Jimin: "Y-you're lying, right?"

Jungkook: "W-what, hyung?"

Jimin: "Y-you're joking about Taehyung smiling, right?" *Asked in a shaky voice, with a hopeful look*

Jin: "J-Jungkook ah...? A-are you sure? You saw T-Taehyung smiling?"

[Jungkook, confused by their reaction, thought they were doubting him. He pouted angrily and said:]

Jungkook: "What the--" *Pouting angrily* "No way, I'm not mistaken! I saw Taehyung smiling, he had a cute boxy smile, I saw it with my own eyes! I even have a photo."

[Suddenly, he noticed Jimin and Jin looking at him in shock, and they both exclaimed:]

Jimin and Jin: "SHOW ME!!"

[Jungkook sensed their desperation, so he picked up his phone and showed them Taehyung's smiling photo.]

Jungkook: "See, I was not lying." *Proud look*

[He heard two gasps

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[He heard two gasps.]

Jimin: "N-no way!! H-Hyung, you're also seeing this, right?" *Teary eyes*

Jin: *Took Jungkook's phone, crying silently.* "Y-yes, Jimin. T-this is true. T-Taehyung is smiling."

[Suddenly, they both burst into tears, looking at Taehyung's photo as if it were a prized possession.]

???: "What's happening here?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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