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In a lively dining room, everyone eagerly awaited Taehyung's arrival, especially Jungkook, whose excitement was tinged with nervousness as he was about to meet his eldest stepbrother for the first time. Jungkook exuded confidence, but little did he know that his hero, Taehyung, held a surprising sentiment.

As Taehyung finally appeared and took his seat opposite Jungkook, the younger one gazed at him with admiration, but Taehyung seemed unfazed, not sparing him a glance. Jimin, noticing the tension, attempted to break the ice.

Jimin: "Glad you're here, I was starving!" *pouts*

Taehyung: "My absence wasn't your cue to wait." *rolls eyes*

Jimin: "You know Jin hyung won't let us eat without you."

Taehyung: "Not my problem." *shrugs*

Jimin: "You..." *interrupted by Jin's shout*

Jin: "Enough! Eat or face consequences!" *threateningly*

Amidst this, Jin observed Jungkook's glances toward Taehyung and nudged J-Hope, who understood that Jungkook wanted to talk to his eldest hyung.

Jin: *notices Jungkook's attention* "Kook seems eager to connect with Taehyung, like a puppy seeking attention."

Jin decided to seize the opportunity to bring them together. He fake-coughed for attention, which silenced the room momentarily. Taehyung resumed eating, seemingly unperturbed.

Jin: "Taehyung, you're disrespecting your elder hyung."

Taehyung handed Jin a cup of water, his tone chilly, but his face impassive.

Tae: "Warm water helps with coughing."

Jimin, Namjoon, Yoongi, and J-Hope tried to suppress their laughter, while Jungkook's quiet chuckle caught Taehyung's attention.

Jin struggled between embarrassment and anger, but he composed himself, reasoning that anger wouldn't help his cause. He addressed Taehyung sweetly about the water.

Tae: "You didn't ask for it."

Jin: *smiles sweetly, teeth gritted* "Then why give it?"

Taehyung's seriousness met Jin's gaze.

Tae: "In case you choked."

Taehyung excused himself after finishing his meal, offering cough medicine if Jin needed it.

As Taehyung left, Yoongi couldn't contain his laughter, teasing Jin about being lectured by Taehyung.

Yoongi: "He deliberately avoided 'the talk' and even subtly insulted you during these times. Our little one just schooled you!"

With Yoongi's playful commentary, the room filled with laughter, lightening the mood after the intriguing dinner exchange forget about tae hate towards jk just for a night.

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