5. Dil Ka Rishta

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As Neelamma and Muskan bid farewell after the delightful dinner, Prerna couldn't help but smile at her family's banter.

Muskan teasingly nudged Rishav and quipped,
"Looks like your cooking skills have competition now, bhaiya! Better watch out."

Rishav chuckled, playfully retorting,
"Oh, please, I reign supreme in the kitchen, little sister."
The light-hearted exchange echoed through the house, filling it with warmth and laughter.

And as the evening wound down, Nayan's energy waned, and she snuggled closer to Rishav, her eyelids drooping with sleep. Rishav, torn between wanting to assist Prerna and staying by Nayan's side, felt a pang of guilt for not being able to balance his responsibilities.

Sensing Rishav's inner turmoil, Prerna gently touched his arm and said,
"Rishav Ji, go with Nayan to her room. I can handle everything here. You both need rest too."

Rishav hesitated, his eyes reflecting gratitude and apprehension, before reluctantly agreeing and scooping Nayan into his arms to carry her to bed.


In their shared bedroom, Rishav settled Nayan under the blanket, gently tucking her in, his heart overflowing with love for his daughter. Nayan let out a soft sigh, her features peaceful in slumber, as Rishav brushed a stray lock of hair from her forehead, a wave of protectiveness washing over him.

Exiting Nayan's room, Rishav found Prerna in the kitchen, her eyes filled with understanding and a silent strength that amazed him. Without a word, she reassured him,
"Rishav Ji, you've done enough for today. Let me take care of everything. Go rest."

Rishav felt a mix of emotions - gratitude for Prerna's unwavering support, admiration for her resilience, and a deep sense of responsibility towards their unconventional family bond. As he retreated to their room, the weight of the day's events settled on his shoulders, mingling with a newfound sense of gratitude for the love that bound them together.


Prerna stepped into the dimly lit bedroom, the soft glow of the bedside lamp casting a warm aura over the room. Her eyes fell upon the serene scene before her - Nayan, fast asleep and drooling on Rishav, who was also lost in peaceful slumber. A smile tugged at the corners of Prerna's lips, a familiar wave of nostalgia and gratitude washing over her as she gazed at her precious family.

As she stood there, taking in the sight that never failed to fill her heart with joy, Prerna was transported back in time to one of the many defining moments that solidified the bond between Rishav and Nayan, a memory among many etched in her heart forever.


The hospital corridor echoed with the sounds of hurried footsteps and hushed voices, the scent of disinfectant lingering in the air. Prerna stood outside the emergency room, her heart pounding with fear and uncertainty as she awaited news about her infant daughter, Nayan, who lay sick inside.

Rishav emerged from the room, his clothes stained with Nayan's vomit, his face etched with concern and resolve. Prerna's eyes widened in shock at his dishelved look. Messy hair and a face full of tears, but before she could utter a word, Rishav spoke, his voice filled with determination.

"I couldn't bear to see Nayan suffer alone in the hands of people unknown to her Ji. She looked so scared. She was screaming and crying so hard, so loudly, continuously. I was scared she was going to choke at her own vomit at this rate. I had to get her in my arms. You know she stopped crying as soon she smelt my odour."

Rishav felt himself smile remembering how Nayan recognised his smell and voice and stopped crying, snuggling closer to him. His words echoed in the empty corridor, a testament to his unwavering love and devotion towards Nayan. But then a toxic smell hit his nose and prerna watched as his face scrunched up in disgust despite his many efforts to not do so.

"Yeah... Didn't stop vomitting tho... Sorry Ji, just bear a few more minutes of me... I... I will go get changed as soon as the doctor gives a better update on Nayan Ji."

Prerna's heart swelled with gratitude and admiration for the man standing before her, his actions speaking louder than words ever could. Without a second thought, Rishav had taken on the role of a protective father, selflessly tending to Nayan's needs, his own discomfort inconsequential in the face of her well-being.


As the memory faded, Prerna's eyes welled up with tears, a bittersweet mix of emotions overwhelming her. The flashback served as a poignant reminder of Rishav's selflessness and unconditional love for Nayan, a bond that transcended blood ties and bound them together in a shared journey of joy and sorrow.

With a deep sense of gratitude and a renewed appreciation for the man who had become an indelible part of her life, Prerna gently brushed a stray lock of hair from Rishav's forehead, her heart brimming with love and admiration for the extraordinary father figure he had become to Nayan.

The room enveloped in a hush, broken only by the subtle rhythm of Nayan's sweet slumber, was suddenly disrupted by a pained groan that pierced the tranquility. Prerna's heart clenched in concern, recognizing the sound that echoed through the room - an unmistakable sign of discomfort from Rishav, her trusted companion and friend in their shared journey of raising Nayan.

Although their relationship was forged on the foundation of co-parenting Nayan, Prerna and Rishav had evolved into a dynamic duo, their friendship deepening with each passing day. They navigated the complexities of parenthood together, their playful banter and mutual respect forming the cornerstone of their unbreakable bond.

Sensing Rishav's discomfort as Nayan lay sprawled atop him, Prerna quietly and with gentle hands, carefully lifted Nayan from Rishav's chest, placing her beside him with a tender touch.
As she adjusted the blankets around them, a fleeting moment of intimacy passed between Prerna and Rishav, a silent acknowledgment of the closeness that had grown between them over the years.

Rishav stirred slightly, his brow furrowed in discomfort, and Prerna leaned in closer ignoring the the butterflies doing gymnastics this time in her stomach. Her voice soft and soothing.

"Are you alright, Rishav Ji? You seemed to be in pain. Let me know if you need anything,"
she whispered, her concern palpable in the dimly lit room.

Rishav's eyes fluttered open, meeting Prerna's gaze with a mix of gratitude and vulnerability.

"I'm fine, Ji. Just a muscle cramp. Thank you for moving Nayan, else I would have woken her up with my stirring."
He murmured, a flicker of appreciation shining in his eyes as he felt the depth of their friendship.

In that moment, as they lingered in the quiet intimacy of the night, Prerna and Rishav shared a silent understanding, a bond forged in the shared joys and trials of raising Nayan, a testament to the enduring power of friendship and unconditional support that transcended the boundaries of traditional relationships.

In that moment, as they lingered in the quiet intimacy of the night, Prerna and Rishav shared a silent understanding, a bond forged in the shared joys and trials of raising Nayan, a testament to the enduring power of friendship and unconditional s...

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