Chapter 4: Preparing for Time Journeys

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"Alright, team," Skylar said, leaning over the cluttered table in their makeshift headquarters where the rest of the group was seated.
"We will be starting our mission from scratch. I have chosen the House#1776 once again. As you guys can see, this job calls for some detective skills," Skylar said, "Who's ready to dive into history?"
To navigate the past safely and accurately, they needed to immerse themselves in historical research. Skylar, being the leader, took charge of this endeavor.
Jamie looked up from the pile of books she was sorting. "I feel like we're starring in an adaptation of our very own sci-fi novel. What's our first move?"
Skylar grinned, excitement lighting up her eyes. "Research. Lots and lots of research. We need to understand the periods we might visit inside out. Tyler, you're on online archives. Jamie, we're hitting the library. Kody, you handle practical prep—costumes, period-appropriate, finances---anything we might need to blend in."
Tyler simpered, already tapping away on his laptop. "Got it. Let's make sure we don't show up in 1776 looking like we just left a 2024 comic con."
The group shared some laughter and then proceeded to split up their tasks. Skylar and Jamie headed to the local library while Tyler and Kody scoured online archives and databases.
As they gathered their research, the team began sketching a picture of various historical periods. They focused on major events and everyday life, ensuring they understood the societal norms and potential dangers of that time.
Books, old maps, and historical documents were piled up on every surface, and the room smelled of aged paper mixed with the sharp scent of fresh ink from its notes.
Skylar and Jamie spent hours at the library, flipping through pages of dusty tomes. Jamie pointed to a passage in a thick book about the Revolutionary War. "Look at this. If we end up here again, we need to know about key figures and battles. And this note about a skirmish—it's not in our history books. I think this can come in handy."
Skylar frowned thoughtfully. "Interesting. And yes, you're right. We'll need to verify this if we go back. Might be a clue."
Meanwhile, Tyler and Kody scavenged thrift stores and flea markets, piecing together makeshift historical costumes. Tyler, being the group's practical mind, led the costume creation. "We can't just spawn into the past in jeans and T-shirts."
Knee-deep in thrift-store finds that could be adapted into convincing historical clothing, Tyler held up a pair of breeches, grinning. "Think these will pass in the 18th century, bro?"
Kody nodded, examining a nylon stocking. "Better than jeans and a T-shirt, yes. We'll just have to get creative."
Kody also found a local hobby shop that sold historical replicas, picking up everything from old maps to simple tools. He also managed to find a small collection of replica coins, grimy and worn but perfect for their purposes, and some old tools that could pass for historical artifacts, which he showed the group.
Armed with sewing kits and creativity, they modified modern clothes to resemble historical attire. Skylar found an old, frilly blouse and paired it with a long skirt, while Jamie worked on a pair of breeches for Tyler, and Kody found a perfect pair of worn boots.
"I feel like I'm in a flop, low-budget period drama," Jamie joked, adjusting her bonnet in front of a mirror. "We look absolutely ridiculous. We'll either blend right in or get booed out of history."
Skylar laughed. "We better look ridiculous than stand out and catch attention."
Now, the next concern was safety. They needed a protocol to ensure everyone's well-being. Tyler suggested a buddy system and pre-planned escape routes and rendezvous points in case of emergencies.
"Remember, guys, we all need to always stick together," Skylar instructed, pointing to a map of the Revolutionary War era they had pinned to the wall. "If we get separated, we meet back at our entry point. No exceptions."
Kody nodded, "And no unnecessary risk-taking. We're here to observe and document, not change history."
They mapped out the areas they were likely to visit, noting landmarks and potential hideouts. Skylar suggested they use code words for different types of emergencies, like "redcoat" for immediate danger and "lost sheep" for someone being lost.
"But what if we mess something up?" Jamie voiced her fears, her voice wavering. "What if we make things worse?"
Skylar placed a reassuring hand on her friend's shoulder. "We're doing this to protect history, not change it. As long as we stay focused and wary, we'll be fine."
The night before their next journey, the group gathered once again in their headquarters, the air buzzing with a mix of excitement and tension.
"Alright, everyone. I think we've done everything we can to prepare," Skylar said, looking around at her friends gathered in a room full of carefully assembled gear. "Tomorrow, we step into the unknown once again. Let's make sure we stick to the plan and watch each other's backs. Remember why we're doing this—to keep history intact. We're ready. Yes?"
"YES!" They all shouted in unison.
Kody raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing on his lips. "Just remember, if anyone asks, we're just a bunch of quirky historians. No one needs to know about our little... time travel hobby."
"Yeah," Tyler laughed. "I don't think 'we fell through a magic door' will hold up in court." Always the joker, he couldn't resist adding one last quip.
Jamie smiled, but there was still a hint of nerves in her voice. "I just hope we don't end up in the middle of a battlefield or something."
Kody adjusted his glasses and added, "Let's meet here at sunrise. We're in this together, okay?" He smiled gently at her.

As they began to disperse, Skylar took a deep breath and passed a proud smile at her friends, each of them ready for the adventure ahead. However, there was a mutual feeling of anticipation and dread.
Just as they were about to leave for their homes, Jamie turned back with a thoughtful expression. "Hey, what if the Revisionists have had a clue about what we are up to, and maybe they are waiting for us now?"
Skylar took a pause, the weight of Jamie's question hanging in the air. She met each of their gazes, her determination outshining their doubts. "Then we find them first. And we figure out what they're up to. We can't let anyone mess with history and get away with it."
Tyler's smirk faded, replaced by a look of resolve. "Guess tomorrow's going to be more interesting than we thought."

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