Chapter 7: The Turning Point

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"Okay, everyone, listen up," Skylar said, drawing attention to her friends as they gathered around the table with a map laid out on it. "We've received word that a forged document is being circulated. It's meant to discredit the rebel leaders. If it gets into the wrong hands, it could change everything. We need to exercise caution."

Tyler furrowed his eyebrows. "Who could be the mastermind behind it? The Revisionists?" He pondered, leaning in.

"Yes," Skylar nodded, "They're trying to manipulate history by undermining the credibility of the rebel leaders. We must find this document and replace it with the original before it's too late."

"And where exactly is this document?" Jamie asked, raising an eyebrow.

Skylar pointed to a small building near Independence Hall. "It's being held there, I suppose. We need to move quickly and quietly. If we're caught, it's game over."

Kody flashed a grin. "Hmm...sounds like a piece of cake to me. We've handled worse, right?"

As they prepared to leave for their next venture, Skylar couldn't help but feel a surge of apprehension. They were about to meddle with a critical fragment of history, and the consequences of failure were unimaginable. But there was no time for second-guessing any decision. The urgency of the situation required immediate action.

The next morning, the group entered the realm of 1776 once again, moving through the bustling streets, blending in with the early crowds. As they approached the designated building, Skylar motioned for them to stop.

"Okay, this is it," she whispered. "Remember, we need to be quick. Tyler, Jamie, you keep watch. Kody and I will go inside."

Tyler and Jamie nodded, positioning themselves near the entrance. Skylar and Kody tiptoed into the building, making sure their footsteps barely created a sound on the wooden floors. It was difficult to catch a glimpse of what happened inside because of the dim lights, but they managed to quickly spot a small room at the end of the hallway.

"There," Skylar whispered, pointing to the room. "That's where it's being held."

They moved cautiously, fully aware that the slightest crack in their movements could give them away. As they made their way to the room, Skylar gently pushed the door open with the force of her fingers. Inside, a large desk was cluttered with papers; on top of it, a single document lay in plain view.

Picking up the document, Skylar realized it was a forgery. The signature was of another prominent Founding Father, John Hancock, and it was blatantly fake. The content was filled with lies meant to discredit the rebel leaders. She quickly replaced it with the original document they had obtained earlier, ensuring that history remained intact.

"Got it," she said to Kody. "Let's get out of here."

But just as they turned to leave, they heard footsteps approaching. It was the time to panic. They had to move fast. She and Kody slipped into a nearby closet, holding their breath as the footsteps grew louder.

The door barged open, and a man stepped inside. Skylar peeked through a crack in the door and recognized him instantly. It was Thomas Jefferson, one of the key figures in the Declaration of Independence.

Jefferson ran his eyes across the room when the document caught his sight. He picked it up, examining it closely. Skylar felt a bead of sweat trickle down the sides of her forehead. If Jefferson noticed anything awry, their mission could be compromised.

After a moment of eternity, Jefferson nodded to himself and tucked the document into his coat. He turned and left the room, the door closing noisily behind him.

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