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Vicky and Jenny sat at their desks during the lunch break, fervently scribbling away on love letters.

"If he doesn't swoon over this, then he's got to be blind!" Vicky declared, eyes gleaming with mischief.

Jenny chuckled. "Seriously, if Brad doesn't catch on after this, we might as well start questioning if he's even into women."

As they debated over whether to address the letter under "B" for Brad or "P" for Pitt, Karine suddenly burst into the classroom, a look of panic on her face.

"Girls, I need your help!" Karine exclaimed, her voice tinged with desperation.

Jenny's eyes widened in concern. "What's wrong?"

"I forgot to shave this morning," Karine confessed, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "And I have P.E. at the pool in 5 minutes!"

Vicky smirked. "In other words, your social life is ruined."

Karine slumped down at her desk, her head hitting the table with a thud. "Freak out!"

"Okay, okay, calm down," Vicky said, trying to reassure her. "We'll come up with a plan. You won't have to face the horror of hairy legs in front of your classmates."

"But I can't just skip P.E.," Karine protested. "The teacher knows my parents. They see each other every Sunday at mass!"

Jenny grinned mischievously. "Even better. We'll just have to get a little creative."

"Don't worry, Karine," Vicky assured her, pulling out a pen and paper. "We'll write you a note from your mom, saying you're feeling under the weather. You give it to the teacher, and you'll be excused without any suspicion."

Relief flooded Karine's face as she took the note from Vicky. "Thank you both so much."

"Trust us," Jenny said with a wink, giving Karine a thumbs up.

Later, at the pool for P.E., Karine nervously approached the teacher, a balding, overweight man in swim trunks.

"Ah, Karine," the teacher greeted her warmly. "How are you feeling today?"

"Um, not too great, sir," Karine replied, handing him the note with trembling hands. "My mom wrote this for you."

The teacher took the note, his expression turning serious as he read it.

Meanwhile, back in the classroom, Vicky and Jenny were still absorbed in their letter-writing.

"I think we're onto something here," Jenny said, a grin spreading across her face. "Brad won't be able to resist."

Vicky nodded in agreement. "He'll be putty in our hands."

Just as they were about to finish, Jenny's eyes widened in horror.

"Oh crap," she exclaimed. "That's the note for the teacher!"

Vicky slammed her fist on the table in frustration. "Karine stole our letter to Brad! That brat!"

At the pool, the teacher suddenly collapsed, clutching his chest in pain. Karine sprang into action, performing CPR and desperately trying to save him.

Meanwhile, a student, the skater bro from earlier, picked up the letter from the teacher's hand and began reading aloud.

"So forget your wife," he read, a smirk playing on his lips. "You deserve someone better than her. And trust me, I know all the hottest way sto French kissing!"

Karine pleaded for assistance, but the skater bro and his friend simply shrugged and walked away, leaving her to deal with the crisis alone.

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