Chapter 12-Aelin

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As the days stretched into weeks, I found myself falling into a rhythm alongside Kodlak, our training sessions becoming a routine part of our days. With each passing day, I felt myself growing stronger and more confident, my skills honed through relentless practice and determination.

Kodlak, once aloof and distant, began to open up as we sparred and trained together. His words were few, but each one held a weight of experience and wisdom that I found myself eagerly absorbing.

Yet, amidst our camaraderie, there lingered an undercurrent of tension. Lyra, with her cold demeanor and piercing glares, made no effort to conceal her disdain for me. Her hostility was like a shadow that followed me wherever I went, a constant reminder of the divide between us.

I tried to ignore her icy stares, focusing instead on my training and the missions that awaited us. But it was difficult to shake the feeling of unease that settled in the pit of my stomach whenever Lyra's gaze fell upon me. I couldn't help but wonder what lay behind her hostility.

Despite Lyra's disdain, I remained determined to prove myself – not just to her, but to everyone in Assassins Keep. I would show them that I was worthy of their respect.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the training grounds of Assassins Keep, I found myself alone with my thoughts. The day's rigorous training had left me weary but exhilarated, my muscles thrumming with the satisfaction of exertion.

Yet, amid the exhaustion, my mind wandered to thoughts of Silas – his enigmatic smile, the warmth of his touch, the way his presence seemed to ignite a spark within me. Despite the distance that now separated us, his memory lingered like a phantom, haunting the corners of my mind.

I couldn't help but wonder where he was, what he was doing at this very moment. Was he safe? Did he think of me as I thought of him? Was his training well? The unanswered questions gnawed at me, stirring a restless longing within my heart.

But even as I yearned for his presence, I knew that our paths had diverged, leading us down separate roads fraught with danger and uncertainty. Our destinies were no longer entwined as they once were, and I had to reconcile myself to the reality of our separation.

With a heavy sigh, I pushed aside my thoughts of Silas, focusing instead on the tasks that lay ahead. There were missions to prepare for, skills to hone, and enemies to vanquish. As an assassin of Elentia, my duty was clear – to protect the realms from darkness and chaos, whatever the cost.

But deep within my heart, Silas's memory remained.

As I emerged from my room, the familiar sound of footsteps approached from behind. I turned to see Kodlak striding towards me, his usual stoic expression softened by a hint of curiosity.

"Another day of training complete," he remarked, his voice gruff yet somehow comforting. "You're making progress, Aelin."

I offered him a nod of acknowledgment, a small smile playing at the corners of my lips.

"Thanks." I replied, sincerity coloring my words.

He grunted in response. And he looked away for a moment before looking back at me.

"Would you care to join me on a different kind of journey?" Kodlak asked.

I raised an eyebrow, intrigued by his proposition. "What kind of journey?" I asked, my curiosity piqued.

Kodlak's lips curved into a faint smile as he glanced around, ensuring our conversation remained private. "There are places in Elentia few dare to tread," he began, his voice low yet filled with an undeniable sense of adventure. "Secrets hidden in the shadows, waiting to be uncovered by those brave enough to seek them out."

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