Chapter 1 -- The not so Dull School Day

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         Why do the most strange things always happen on otherwise normal days?  At least that's how it seems to be to Lilith, because it was a dull school day like any other when news came of war between the gods.

         She has been sitting in History for the past half an hour just waiting for the bell to ring and free her from the misery of learning about old wars of hundreds of years past.  She sticks her hand into the slot under the top of her desk to grab a yellow pencil covered in dents created by her teeth, and tears a lined page from her notebook to write a note to Austin.  Talking with Austin has always been a good way to pass time in classes ever since the teacher moved them into the same homeroom.

         Austin, the note began, I'm hungry.  Remember when you used to carry random apples in your bag?  Do you still do that?  If so, do you think you might be able to pass one to me in response to this note?  –Lilith.

         Lilith often got hungry in classes, even after lunch.  She passed the note to Cameron, whispering, "Can you pass this to Aussie?"  Of course, she really didn't have to say that, because it was just a normal task for Cameron to pass the notes between Lilith and Austin.

         A few moments later, Lilith got a response to her note...and an apple.  She looked at the note, and it said Lilith, are you serious?  I thought you knew me better than that.  Of course I still have them.  –Austin.

         She couldn't help but snicker, but as soon as she did she wished she hadn't.  Professor Johnson looked up at her from whatever he was writing on the chalkboard.  "Is there a problem Miss Belladonna?"

         Lilith looked up from the note, quickly hiding both it and the apple.  She shuffled uneasily in her seat and turned to face Aussie and Cameron, who both looked equally guilty.

         "No sir, we were just, well, um–  I was explaining the assignment to Austin because he struggles, isn't that right Aussie?"

         He sent her a glare that told her she'd pay for this later on.

         "Yes," he grumbled through gritted teeth, and anyone could see that he wanted to kill her.  Of course he wouldn't really, they were long-time best friends after all, but oh, how he wanted to.  Lilith began to smile smugly, knowing that he had to go along with everything she'd said or they were all screwed.

         The bell rang before the teacher could question further, so instead he said, "Very well.  Next time, if you need help Austin, ask me instead of disrupting the class."

         Austin nodded grudgingly, and gathered his history textbook and pencil case and stuffed them in his backpack, quickly exiting the room.

         Lilith quickly caught up to him and said, "What?  Can't handle a simple joke?  I thought you were better than this."

         "I can handle a joke, stupid."  Obviously he was kidding around, so the comment didn't bother Lilith.  They both laughed as Cameron caught up to them and the three of them made their way to the cafeteria for lunch after dropping their stuff off at their lockers.

         The trio got their lunch and sat at a table towards the back of the room.  Just as Lill picked up her spoon, the principal strode into the cafeteria holding a microphone.  The kids started to talk as they usually did, but something was wrong.  The principal normally sent his assistant to make the announcement, and if he was coming to make the announcement himself, something definitely was not right.  The kids at the tables began talking with one another in hushed voices, trying to guess what he was going to say.  Lill's eyes fell upon him, a tall, thin man with a troubled look about him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31 ⏰

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The War of the Gods by Ilikeblue70654 and two friendsWhere stories live. Discover now