She said yes

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Lucy sped way in her car tears dripping down her face
" Lucy your in no state to drive pull over " angela said concern in her voice
Lucy ignored her and dialed a number on her phone and connected it to the car the mystery person answered
" hello detective Chen I suppose you have an answer for me" captain Johnson asked
" I do ma'am send the jet I'll be on it at 6am and be with you in New York for around 1pm how does that sound and please call me Lucy " Lucy replied
" thank you Lucy please call me Darla I shall send out the jet to collect you and I will see you tomorrow feel free to bring another visitor with you as well the house you will be staying in has plenty of room"
" thank you darla see you tomorrow " the call ended and Lucy had stopped crying at this point she redirected the car and headed towards the station so she could talk to grey
" ok Lucy what was that all about your going to New York" nyla questioned
" I am I will be gone for the next three weeks only working on a new case" Lucy replied
" what your leaving " Angela said
" it's only temporary and you guys can visit the last week because I'm only meant to be there for three weeks but I'm gonna stay a little longer well to avoid you know" Lucy finished her sentence and they pulled up at the station they all got out the car and Lucy got a phone call
" hello detective Chen speaking"
" hello detective Chen this is captain maya bishop seattle police department I was wondering if I could speak to you"
" yeah what's wrong captain" Lucy replied
" we have a case that no one can figure out and I was wondering if you could come out as soon as your available to take a look at it the police department will pay for your sleeping arrangements and you will be here for at least 2 weeks if that's ok. "
" captain bishop I am happy to however for the next three weeks I am in New York sorting out a case but after that I am all yours" Lucy answered
" perfect we will pay for your flights just give me a call when you have finished up in New York and I will book our flight "
" ok see you then " Lucy ended the call and turned to nyla and Angela
" Seattle PD need me to take a look at their case as well after new York and I'll be there for two weeks so I'm only going to be in New York for three weeks so visit me on the second week " Lucy smiled
" Lucy that's amazing your so talented and we will of course " Angela hugged Lucy and nyla joined in
" I'm not going to be here for five weeks that's crazy " Lucy said in amazement
" I know don't forget about us " nyla laughed
" I could never " Lucy smirked " let's go tell grey "
Lucy knocked on greys door and opened it and Tim was talking to grey
" Lucy I need to talk to you " Tim stood up Lucy completely ignored him
" if you are talking to Tim I can come back "
" no it's fine what's up Chen " grey said welcoming the woman into the room Lucy went into glaring at Tim as she went past him nyla and Angela followed her doing the exact same thing
" for the next six weeks I am not going to be here I will be working on cases in Seattle and New York"
Tim's jaw dropped
" Lucy your not going we need to talk you can't just run away from your problems" Tim said interjecting into their conversation
" if you will excuse us officer Bradford this is a private discussion so either keep your mouth shut or leave " Lucy snapped back her temper showing
Angela and nyla tried not to laugh
" that's fine officer Chen I'm proud of your accomplishments because you are still working you will be getting payed but I also assume they will be paying you." Grey asked
" yes sir they are cold cases to so I'll be getting payed a lot " Lucy smirked
" well good luck and lucky you double pay " grey said
They all laughed except Tim who stood to the side of the room fuming
" also I am so sorry about your recent breakup Tim was just telling me about how you ended it without no explanation " grey said completely clueless
" oh did he now that's ironic " Angela said the three women turn around to glare at Tim who was red with embarrassment
" what are you guys on about " grey asked a confused look on his face Lucy turned her back so she was facing both men
" I walked into joes bar to find Tim and Ashley making out in the back corner so if I was unclear earlier officer Bradford that's my explanation " Lucy rolled her eyes and looked back to grey
" I shall see you in a few weeks my flight leaves in the morning bye grey "
" bye Chen "
With that the three women left greys office and went into the women's locker room Lucy grabbed her bag her water bottle and some other stuff she could need in New York and put into her bag she hugged nyla and Angela and said don't forget to visit her in New York they said ok and Lucy left she got in her car and drove home she got home and Tamara was there
" hey Luce do you want to order takeaway I'm starving" Tamara asked Lucy as she walked through the front door
" yeah I'd love to but I need to ask you something" Lucy said putting her bag down and sitting on the couch opposite Tamara all of a sudden Lucy got a phone call she answered
" this is detective Chen "
" hello detective this is captain Andrea herrera Chicago police department may I have a word"
" yes ma'am how can I help you " Lucy answered
" with your new ranking I would like you to come to Chicago for six weeks to take a look at some cold cases we have your sleeping arrangements will be payed for so will your flights I know you just be very busy but whenever your available"
" for the next three weeks I am in New York after that I am in Seattle for two weeks then I am all yours " Lucy answered a smile on her face
" perfect give me a call when you need the private jet to come get you bye detective "
" bye ma'am " Lucy hung up and looked at Tamara
" wait your leaving for 11 weeks to go to three different cities " Tamara asked
" looks like it but that's what I wanted to talk to you about would you like to come with me" Lucy smiled
" OBVIOUSLY COME ON WE HAVE TO PACK. " Tamara jumped out of her seat and ran into her room to pack her case Lucy laughed and went to do the same
" AGREED. " the two girls finished packing and went to bed Tim had called Lucy around ten times Lucy didn't answer he text her to saying he was sorry and that he loved her and to answer his calls Lucy ignored them and went to bed.

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