So this is love?

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Lucy and Jason wake up the next morning Lucy still cuddled into his chest.
" good morning beautiful how did you sleep" Jason asks Lucy
" I slept great how did you sleep." Lucy's replied her hazelnut eyes looking up at the naked man in her bed
" I slept amazing also how are you so warm your like a portable radiator "
This made the two laugh realisation hit Lucy that this relationship would probably end up like hers and Tim's
" I'm so sad this has to come to an end I had so much fun with you " Lucy says laying her head back down onto Jason's chest
" well how about it doesn't end I go to back to my hotel get showered and changed and tell my friends I'll be back later and I take you to lunch a proper date " Jason asks testing to see if Lucy would go out with him Lucy looks up her head still on his chest
" I'd love to but won't your friends want to spend time with you " she asks
" I'm sure they'll understand when I tell them about you darling "
Lucy blushes and nods she goes beach to her original position and Jason kisses her head
" and if you want to ask her Tamara can come to so she isn't alone " he says trying to be inclusive
" I'll ask her when I get out the shower " Lucy replies
" Lucy "
" yeah " she looks up
" this feels right nothing else has felt this perfect so how about we make it official and you be my girlfriend "
Lucy was a bit surprised at his forwardness but she blushes
" I would love that "
Jason kisses her and lets out a sigh of relief
" awww was you nervous "
Lucy laughs tormenting Jason
" hell yeah I was I didn't want to scare off a woman so beautiful "
Lucy smiles and kisses him he pulls her up and leans in on the kiss she pulls away
" ok we do have to get up otherwise lunch will be dinner "
They laugh and Lucy gets out of bed and puts on her silk gown and goes into the bathroom and turns the shower on Jason gets up and outs his clothes on from the night before he knocks on the door and hugs Lucy goodbye and kissing her cheek
" I shall be back I think I'm gonna shower here so I can be with you while you get ready so im gonna grab myself some clothes then I will be back"
" I like that idea " Lucy replies with a smile he leave and Lucy gets in the shower she gets out and sits at her vanity and Tamara comes into her room
" did I just see Jason from last night leaving "
" you did he is taking me to lunch he said you can come to if you like so your not home alone "
" nah am good I think I'll stay home I don't third wheel "
Lucy rolled her eyes and turned on the blow dryer drying her hair and Tamara went back into her room around twenty minutes later there was a knock at the door Lucy had just finished straightening her hair and was in her silk robe she opened the front door
" well hello beautiful " Jason says kissing Lucy's cheek and coming inside Lucy closes the door behind him laughing a little
" why did you knock your always welcome " Lucy says
" aww your sweet but I couldn't just impose on your house "
" but I want you to "
Lucy gets closer to him her hands on his chest kissing him he kisses her back his hands dropping to her waist pulling her closer all of a sudden to hands pull them apart and walks straight through them heading towards the kitchen
" they're are other rooms in the house for that " Tamara says walking through the two Lucy's face goes red
" well hello again to you to Tamara " Jason says laughing he goes into Lucy's room putting his bag on her bed Lucy follows him and sits back on her vanity doing her makeup she felts Jason's hands going around her waist kissing her neck
" you don't need that you look beautiful " he says removing his lips from her neck putting his head on her shoulder
" well thank you baby but it makes me feel pretty also before I continue i am gonna make some coffee would you like some "
" I'm good I'm gonna get in the shower though so I will be back in a minute " he says going into the bathroom Lucy hears the shower turn on and the door close she goes in the kitchen and makes herself coffee she goes back into her room and sits down she finishes her makeup and gets dressed it was a 2arm day so she wore a nice backless top and denim shorts she sits back down at her dressing table and Jason comes back out only in a towel Lucy sits her coffee as he comes out she watches him in the mirror
" mhm hot " she looks at him with a smile on her face he looks at her through the mirror
" oh is that how it is is it" he walk over to Lucy and she puts her coffee down
" I meant the coffee " she says laughing Jason tickles her making her laugh like a toddler he wraps his arms around her waist kissing her neck
" you look beautiful my love "
He looks up at her and she kisses him his body still soaked from the shower
" ok go get dressed your soaking my floor "
The two laugh and Jason gets dressed Lucy puts on her heels and Jason asks if she is ready to go the two go to lunch and get to know each other
" wait so when do you go back to LA " Jason asks
" in two weeks same as you and I'm sure the captain will let you and your friends come on the jet back with us " Lucy says
" that's good because I really like you and I didn't want to be in LA without you " he says a cheesy smile on his face Lucy puts her hand on-top of his and puts a sort of guilty smile on her face
" babe your sweet but your really gonna hate me then " she says
" oh no what " he says a disappointed look on his face
" it's nothing bad but I am only back in LA for one night then I am in Seattle for two weeks then I am back in La for two hours then I am Chicago for six weeks " she says sadness on her face but Jason just smiles
" well my love how about you go to Seattle and when you come back I will go to Chicago with you for four weeks and then I'll fly back early and you come home after two weeks so I'm not missing you and I'm into missing to much work as well "
Lucy smiles
" awww you would do that for me " Lucy says
" of course I would your like my favourite person "
" i would love that " she says they finish they drinks and pay they leave and go back to Lucy's house it was around 3pm Lucy and Jason sit in the garden talking when Lucy's gets a call she was so busy talking with Jason that she didn't read the caller id
" detective Chen how can I help you "
Jason is watching  her thinking of how beautiful she was
" Lucy it's Tim we need to talk "
Lucy rolls her eyes and says
" oh it's you I thought it was someone with more significance what do you want "
Jason snaps out his trance and watches Lucy with an intrigued look on his face Lucy puts the call on speaker and sets her phone on the table and laughs
" Lucy stop laughing this isn't funny  I'm sorry please come home we need to talk you can't just run away from your problems like an angry teenager"
" Tim I am having fun in New York you cheated on me get over it and stop obsessing "
Jason puts his hand over his mouth trying not to laugh at his girlfriends bluntness lucy try's not to laugh as well
" Lucy I love you please I didn't mean to sleep with Ashley ok it was an accident "
" oh did your dick fall out your pants did it "
Lucy burst out into laughter and so does Jason she ends the call and the two sit there laughing uncontrollably Tamara comes out and sees the two laughing
" what are you guys laughing at " she asks smiling between laughs Lucy answers her question
" Tim called he told me it was an accident he didn't mean to sleep with Ashley and I said did your dick fall out your pants or something " the three laugh uncontrollably after they all compose themselves Jason asks
" who even was that "
" that was my ex boyfriend / boss he cheated on me with his ex girlfriend my best friend slapped him he begged my forgiveness because he found out I became ranked best detective in the country and before I went to tell him I got told I was coming here to do a case for three weeks so I went to a bar where he was to tell him and there he was kissing his ex " Lucy says embarrassment on her face
" well I guess I owe that man a thank you."
Tamara and Lucy look at him confused and Lucy a little offended
" if that wouldn't have happened that night you might not have come to come to New York and I would've have met you gorgeous " Lucy's expression softened and Tamara's grew disgust Lucy smiled and Jason kissed her they both lean into the kiss
The couple pull away and laugh at Tamara after that Jason's stays at Lucy's place for the whole week and every night Lucy fell asleep safe in Jason's arms. Until .....

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