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Manal turns around and saw a bike coming towards her as she looks at Taehyung as he approaches her. He grabs her hand and pulls her towards himself

Taehyung says to the bike guy in a loud voice "hey, are you mad?"
Manal watches that scene and her heart starts beating really fast because she is feeling a mix of emotions. She feels like it's beating faster than before and it feels good. She thinks to herself "Oh Lord, what kind of feelings are these?"

Taehyung holds her hand when she comes back from her state of delirium. He says, "Hey, are you okay?" But this time he says it in a loud voice.
Manal notices this and pulls her hand back, letting her hand disappear behind her back. She says "I.. i am okay" with a slight stutter before walking away. Taehyung watches her leave and wonders "What kind of girl is this?"

Manal is walking away from the classroom when she bumps into Namra. Namra asks her what happened and why she is leaving so quickly.
Manal turns towards Namra and says "Oh nothing, I was just going to the classroom."
Namra says "Oh, okay. Let's walk together then."

oth Manal and Taehyung walk towards their classroom. As they walk, their eyes meet and they lock stares for a moment.
In that brief instant, both of them get lost in each other's eyes, captivated by the beauty of the other.
After a moment, both of them snap back into reality and continue walking to their classroom.
Their hearts beat faster and they feel a flutter in their stomachs, but they don't know what to do about this feeling.
They reach their classroom and sit down.

As class starts, both Manal and Taehyung find it difficult to concentrate on the lecture.
They are both still thinking about their brief encounter and the feelings that it had awakened in them.
They make brief glances at each other from time to time, hoping to catch a glimpse of each other's face and feel that same intense feeling again.
The lecture seems to drag on forever, but finally comes to an end.

Now, Manal is reciting her prayers when Namra arrives and waits for her to finish saying the salaam. When Manal finishes and looks up, Namra says "I want to say something, Manal."
Manal nods her head and leans forward to listen, Namra says "Manal, since I met you my respect for your religion has grown. I find your faith fascinating It is admirable how Islam teaches its followers to be selfless and compassionate towards others. The fundamental principles of Islamic teachings focus on maintaining peace and harmony in the world. Additionally, Islam emphasizes living a righteous life that is guided by morals and ethics."

As Namra expresses her fascination with the Islamic faith, Manal's heart flutters with joy. She feels a sense of pride realizing how her religion has left a positive impression on someone else.
She is touched by Namra's words and appreciates her open-mindedness and respect for a different belief system. This appreciation makes her even more grateful for her own faith.

Without any warning, Namra says "I want to become Muslim."
Manal is shocked by this statement, because she had no idea that Namra had these feelings.
She's not sure how to respond, but she wants to be supportive and accepting of Namra's decision.

Manal is stunned by Namra's sudden declaration, but she quickly swallows her shock and decides to be supportive.
She looks at Namra and says, "Are you sure about this decision? Becoming a Muslim is a big commitment, and you should take the time to explore and understand the teachings before making a final decision."

Namra replayed that make Manal shock "I appreciate your concern, but I feel like this is the right decision for me. I have come to believe in the teachings of Islam and I want to embrace the faith fully. This decision is not one I am making lightly; I have done my own research and I am confident that this is what I want for my life."

Manal tells Namra, "You will have to sacrifice many things if you choose to become Muslim."
Namra is startled by this statement, but Manal explains that being a Muslim means committing to a new way of life.
Manal then adds, "You will have to leave Jungkook."
This statement leaves Namra feeling stunned and conflicted. but now she is faced with a difficult choice between her faith and her heart.

When Namra learns that she would have to give up Jungkook to become Muslim, she is deeply conflicted. She doesn't know what to do next. She loves Jungkook, but she also wants to follow her heart and embrace Islam.
There is some tension in the air as she is overwhelmed with emotions. Manal sees her conflicted state and offers her support and empathy. She helps her understand why she has to make this choice, and reassures her that this moment is only a test of her devotion to Allah.

"I know how difficult this is for you. I know you love Jungkook, and it hurts to think of leaving him behind. But this is a sacrifice that you must make if you truly want to follow Islam and be with Allah. You might feel like you're losing something, but in reality you're gaining so much more. Allah's love is unconditional and limitless, and it will always be there for you."

When Namra says, "Manal, could I have a moment of time?"
Manal understands that Namra needs space and time to process her feelings and thoughts, and agrees to give her that space.
She allows Namra to take some time to process her emotions, but is also willing to lend support and guidance if Namra needs it."Of course, take all the time you need. I understand that you're navigating some complex emotions right now, and I want to give you the space and privacy to do that.
However, if you need my help or want to talk about anything, please don't hesitate to reach out to me"

Namra leaves the room, and as She exits, Manal starts praying.
Manal is making dua to Allah, asking Him to guide and protect Namra. She hopes that Namra will find peace and wisdom in her prayers, and be guided towards what is best for her.

"Oh Allah, you are the All-Knowing and the All-Wise. You know what is best for Namra's spiritual journey, and Your guidance is what she needs to find her way.
Please make her path clear and give her the strength to follow it, no matter what obstacles she may encounter along the way. Make her a beacon of light and a model for others to follow.
I ask this in Your name, O Allah."

As Manal and Namra are talking, Taehyung overhears the whole conversation.
Taehyung listens in shock and disbelief, but he can't look away from the conversation. He stares at his two friends talking, his heart sinking with every word they say. He realizes that this is not a joke or a casual conversation, they're discussing a very serious and important issue.
He knows that he's losing his friend, but he is powerless to stop it.

Since Taehyung overheard the entire conversation between Manal and Namra, he is now extremely concerned about the situation.
Taehyung goes to find Jungkook and tells him everything that he heard, including how Namra wants to convert to Islam and leave Jungkook behind.
Jungkook is shocked and frustrated by this news, and he's not sure how to respond.

He's just left asking the question: Why? Why is this happening to him? Why does Namra have to leave him behind?


Sometimes we have to make tough choices in life, and it's often those decisions that require the most sacrifice. But in the end, we must believe in ourselves and our choices, and trust that we're on the right path.

To be continue......

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