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Treech Kobayashi should have had a good childhood.

He was born into a growing family. His parents had two children, a son and a daughter, by the time he was born. Over the years, they eventually had three more. The Kobayashis were part of a travelling circus. It originated in District Seven, where Treech was born, but travelled to other districts. From the time he was a little boy, Treech had been able to see all of Panem. Until the war.

The districts rebelled against the Capitol when Treech was four. After that, they had to settle in District Seven, hoping to one day return to their wanderings. But that didn't happen. The Kobayashi family and their neighbors had to remain in Seven. Treech didn't mind. He liked it in the forest. He was able to disappear for hours on end, and no one was too concerned about him.

But Treech missed the circus. Performing was the only time he felt that he could be a different person. When he was on stage, he finally felt alive. Without the circus, he was nothing. They continued to perform occasionally for the citizens of District Seven, but it was only often enough to keep the performers afloat.

At least he had his family. Treech absolutely adored his siblings. His oldest siblings taught him everything they knew about life at the circus, and he did the same for his youngest. They took care of each other, even though money was tight with so many mouths to feed. Treech couldn't keep track of how many times he skipped meals so the younger children could have more to eat. Times were hard, but they only continued to get harder.

When Treech was eleven, about three years after the end of the war, disaster struck the circus. The disease started out normal, with a high fever and a hacking cough. Kiyomi, Treech's youngest sister was the first to fall ill. Shortly after that, everyone was sick. Except for Treech, his older sister Fern, and his youngest brother Forrest. Once the sores appeared on the affected individual's skin, it was nearly too late.

There was a treatment for the disease, but it was expensive. Being the only person in his family capable of making decisions, Treech chose to purchase the medicine. It was difficult, he had to use all of the Kobayashi family's savings to purchase it. But that was alright. Anything to keep his family alive.

There was one singular flaw in the plan. Treech didn't live near a hospital. He would have to travel for an entire day to get to an apothecary. And he couldn't leave his family behind for that long. Thankfully, Treech's only friend, Reed, stepped up to help. Reed would take the money to the hospital to retrieve the medicine and bring it back for Treech's family. It was a solid plan.

Except Reed didn't follow through. Days went by and he never returned. Reed had stolen the money and disappeared. Treech should have known better than to trust him, but Reed had been his best friend. After that, Treech had no medicine and no money. On top of this, Treech woke up on the fourth day with a fever. He was sick too. His family didn't make it. In less than one week, Treech went from having an entire support system to no one. Other than Fern and Forrest, but the latter was only a baby.

Somehow Treech survived. He didn't know how. He thought his time was up when the sores showed up, but eventually, they scabbed over and healed. All that remained were five small, round scars on the inside of his forearm.

Things were different after the Kobayashis died. Fern took care of her brothers, but she was only thirteen. She didn't have the survival skills to take care of them. But she did her best, and that was enough.

When Treech was thirteen, Fern was reaped for the fifth annual Hunger Games. She was only fifteen years old. Fern didn't come home. The Kobayashis didn't have a television in their home, but some local government officials brought one so Treech could watch. He wished they hadn't. It was over before it even began.

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