Reginald (F)

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A/N: Good afternoon bitches, take some Regina George story's, and shove it up your ass.

A/N: Good afternoon bitches, take some Regina George story's, and shove it up your ass

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I never thought I would fall for someone like Regina George. She was the queen bee of our high school, with her blonde hair and perfect figure, she had everyone wrapped around her finger. She was the leader of the 'Plastics' - the most popular and feared group in school. And I was just a nobody, part of the 'Art Freaks' with my best friends Janis and Damian.

But everything changed when our paths crossed, quite unexpectedly.

It was a typical Monday morning and I was rushing to my art class. As I was walking through the hallways, I accidentally bumped into someone and my books went flying. I quickly bent down to pick them up, only to realize that I had collided with none other than Regina George herself. I braced myself for her infamous mean girl attitude, but to my surprise, she bent down to help me pick up my books.

'Sorry about that, Y/N. I wasn't paying attention,' she said with a small smile.

I was taken aback. Was Regina George apologizing to me? I mumbled a quick thank you and went on my way, feeling confused and a little flustered. Like, The Regina George was apologizing? To me? Genuinely??

From that day on, Regina and I kept running into each other. Whether it was in the hallways, or in our shared art class, there was always some sort of interaction between us. At first, I thought it was just a coincidence, but soon I realized that she was seeking me out.

It didn't take long for us to become friends. She would sit with us at lunch, and even joined our group for movie nights. Janis and Damian were hesitant at first, but they could see how genuinely nice Regina was being towards me. They accepted her into our group with open arms.

As I got to know her more, I saw a different side of Regina. She wasn't just a mean girl, she was also funny, caring, and incredibly smart. I found myself drawn to her, and soon I realized that I was developing feelings for her. But I knew it was impossible. She was a girl, and I had always assumed I was straight.

But there was something about her that I couldn't resist. I found myself wanting to spend more time with her, and my heart would race every time she looked at me or laughed at my jokes. I was falling for Regina George, the queen bee of our high school.

As time passed, our friendship turned into something more. We would sneak away from our group to have lunch together, and she would leave notes in my locker with compliments and inside jokes. It was just like a teenage romance movie, except it was real, and it was with Regina George.

But we had to keep our relationship a secret. Regina was still the leader of the Plastics, and I was a nobody in their eyes. I didn't care about what other people thought, as long as I had Regina by my side. But I could tell she was struggling with it, always wanting to prove herself to her friends, to keep up her tough girl persona.

One day, Janis and Damian finally caught us in a romantic moment in the art room. They were surprised, to say the least, but they were happy for us. They promised to keep our secret and even helped us sneak off for secret dates.

But keeping it a secret was getting harder and harder. I wanted to hold her hand in public, to kiss her without having to worry about being caught. And I could tell that Regina was feeling the same way. But neither of us wanted to risk her reputation or our relationship.

Until one day, Regina decided to come out to her friends. We were all hanging out at her house, and after some drinks, she blurted out that she was in love with me. There was a moment of silence, and then Gretchen and Karen started squealing with joy. They were so excited for Regina and couldn't believe it. Aaron, Regina's ex-boyfriend, just rolled his eyes and shrugged. Janis and Damian were happy for us, but I knew they were scared of Regina's reaction.

But she surprised us all. She grabbed my hand and pulled me into a hug, thanking everyone for their support. And in that moment, I knew that I was in love with Regina George, and she was in love with me.

But of course, true to our chaotic relationship, everything had to be ruined with one small incident. We were cuddled up on her bed, watching a movie, when she leaned in to whisper 'I love you, Y/N' in my ear. I smiled and replied, 'I love you too, Reginald.' And just like that, the moment was ruined.

Regina pulled back with a shocked expression. 'Reginald? Did you just call me Reginald?'

I blushed, realizing my mistake. 'I-I mean, Regina. I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to-'

But she cut me off with a kiss, laughing at my slip-up. 'It's okay, Y/N. I think I like it. Reginald and Y/N, the ultimate power couple,' she joked.

And in that moment, I knew that no matter what challenges we may face, Regina and I were meant to be together. Who would have thought that the mean girl of our high school, would be the one to steal my heart. But I couldn't have been happier. I was in love with Regina George, and she was in love with me - even if I did accidentally call her 'Reginald'

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