I loved you.. (A)

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I was thinking about how I would get out, without the paparazzi being assholes. I peaked through the window upstairs, and saw the paparazzi standing there. While my bodyguards were guarding the door. I roll my eyes, then I walk over to my bathroom. Pulling out some brown hair dye. 

After changing my whole identity from a blonde floozie, to a brown haired.. I don't know at this point. I put on some glasses, curled my hair. And snuck out my window, leading to the backyard. I made sure to leave a note saying I was gone for a bit. I've done this a lot, so it wasn't a huge huge deal. 

I ran fast, and far into the woods. Until I made it to the city 'finally' I muttered. I walked down the street, catching some eyes. Even 1 girl whispering to her mother 'is that what you would call a lesbian?' Like.. no.  Did I really look like one? I'm just wearing a hat backwards, black cargo pants, a graphic tee. At least Im trying to have style! After all I am Mackenzie Madison. 

I'm 24 years old, and almost a millionaire! pretty privilege's are a thing..  I work as a Model and an Actor! I totally don't hook up with my bosses, for raises or anything.. who would do that..? ME.  

I'll admit it I'm a whore, but I can't help it if I'm hot? So don't be jealous bae 💋

I put my headphones, then play my playlist. I walk down the street, Looking for anything interesting. I have no idea why I sneaked out anyway, I just wanted a break from my very very hard life.. 

I walk near a quiet alley, I see shadows. it looks like someone's being robbed. Well, not my problem! Good day ma'am! But then as soon as I was about to walk away, I realized who was getting robbed.  FUCKING. RACHEL. HAMPTON.  You've gotta be kidding.. ugh.. I can't believe I'm doing this. 

See, me and Rachel used to be friends, but due to some.. erm, incidents! We stopped. And became rivals! And she also managed to get famous! Only as a Model though. Sure she was hot, but I was hotter.  And unfortunately when you live in 2024, and are openly rivals with someone else. Guess what happens!? Ya get shipped! SO EVERY FUCKING DAY WHEN I GO ON ANY SOCIAL MEDIA. I see FUCKING 'Kenzie x Rachel!' 'Ranzie!' LIKE FUCK OFF. 

I walk into the alley, tired of my life. I see her and 2 thug wannabes. 'Yo!' I yell out. The 2 thugs look at me then laugh. 'Aww who's this? Don't try to be a hero kid, you're just gonna get yourself hurt!' Then laugh and mock me. 

OHOHOHO HELL NO. there's no way I'm letting that slide, I reach into my pocket and pull out my beautiful pink 9 millimeter gun. Did I mention that they only have knifes? Like if your gonna rob someone, at least use a gun.. I point the gun at them, and say 'alright, let's not make this messy okay? I'm not in the best mood, so don't fuck with me right now.' They look at me in shock, then drop their knifes. 1 of them decides to be an idiot, who's literally has a gun to their head. And say 'A pretty damsel bats her eyelashes, and here comes this dyke, riding in on a ride horse!' The other thug looks at him, angry and telling him to shut up. 

'Right.. and where are you in this metaphor? Twirling your stupid mustache, while tying my damsel to the tracks?' I snap back at him, he scoffs and replies with 'oh shut up you dyke.' 1 time is fine, but 2 times? Nun uh babes.

I pull the trigger, shooting the thug right in the face, with a loud BANG! (A/N: WATCH MY 9MM GO 'BANG!') The other thug flinches at the sound, and surrenders. 'Yo listen.. I'm sorry dude. Let me live please..' I look at him condescendingly, then sigh and put my gun away. 'Scram.' I demand, he then runs away and fast as he can.  

Since I shot 1 of the thugs, it alerted the people nearby. And screams could be heard, and people ran away from the sound. Also because of the loud scream the thug made. I look back at Rachel, then back at the dead body in front of me. 'Cmon. Don't wanna get caught by a dead body, right?' I notice her leg, it looks badly sprained. I kneel down I front of her, examining her leg. 'Your leg, it's sprained. Here.' 

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