✧~Chapter Two~ ✧

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✧- will be the second emoji for the other pov. While the chapters bounce between both mcs this will be a way of knowing who's is who's.
My brain was a little scattered in this chapter so I apologize if it's hard to read I'm really bad at first chapters and I had to do two lol


Far off, in the middle of the deep raging ocean there rocked a grand ship. It swayed against the crashing waves never seeming to shift from its course. The ship was large; it could've been the size of a city holding hundreds of people along with more than enough supplies. The ship was filled with chaos as orders were barked out from a man standing behind a helm. It wasn't a yell but a command, almost like a lion commanding its pack. The man was older; he had a white color detailing his long beard and slicked back hair. He was buff but had a bear belly that you could notice through his clothes, he dressed like he was important. His voice was heard over the crashing waves as the men and women aboard the ship did as they were ordered without delay. There were only two that faltered to do so. One was a woman, she was concealed in a black cloak with only her face showing. She was tall but slim, she wasn't frail by any means she in fact had very defined muscle build up. Her skin was slightly tanned with olive undertones, the tan seemed to be from the sun as her skin was inconsistent. She seemed pale with freckles scattering across her face and down her neck most likely continuing further. Her deep silver eyes staring at the chaos around her. After watching she turns her body away from all the chaos then leans her arms on the edge of the ship letting her arms keep her up. The man next to her leaned against the same support as her but was faced toward the chaos. Compared to the woman he was tall, might as well have been a giant. He was muscular with very defined muscles, long snow-like hair and deep brown skin. He seemed relaxed as his golden eyes lazily followed the chaos. The way the people ran frantically to keep the ship they stood on afloat, it was funny to him. How they feared death without ever even noticing.

Once the man let out a quiet snicker his cloaked companion glanced his way causing him to respond, "nothing important Zephrys." he spoke with a firm but rough tone. His voice rumbled in his chest as his boisterous voice had to be kept to a quiet hum so that they didn't disturb the workers. They had gotten a ride from the kingdom of Wisteria to the Collected regions of Hitan for free as long as they did not disturb the workers. They intended on keeping that as they didnt want to be thrown into the middle of the ocean. Especially when one could not swim... the one who could swim was in fact zephrys. Regardless, the two tended to stay quiet, not by the man's choice. He was a loud outgoing person who enjoyed befriending any person he could meet. While zephrys tolerated new people she was terrified of them. So the two agreed to a more kept to themself demeanor which helped them more than once to get out of issues. Zephrys nodded then went back to staring out into the raging ocean as she listened to the sounds. Zephrys had always been fond of the ocean; the birds flying above, the raging crashing of waves against the ships, the way it was so peaceful while hiding so many more mysteries in its depths. She had been quiet because of this, even if she enjoyed her companions talks she'd rather wander away in her mind. Only focusing on the sounds of the ocean and its beauty. But her mind had to come back to the land eventually, in this case the ship.

"It's incredible how someone like you can stay so quiet," zephrys finally spoke breaking their short silence. She had a soft and timid voice making it hard to hear her over the rocus of the ship. Her friend however could understand without issue, he had grown used to her silence and accustomed to the soft spoken voice. "Yes yes i'm aware but i'd rather not get thrown overboard," the man says waving a hand as he spoke, dismissing her words. "With how you dress marshall," zephrys says, breaking her eyes from the ocean to examine her friend, "no offense.. But you dress like you would swim." "are you calling me scandalous?!" marshall says, placing a hand over his heart faking a shocked expression. Zephrys simply let out a shrug nonchalantly then returned her gaze back to the ocean. Marshall let out a laugh as he knew she was in fact correct, he didn't enjoy the suffocation of shirts. Usually only barring them when forced to by his friend, like now. Zephrys had in honesty almost assumed all demons of his stature didn't wear shirts until she met her sister's demon. Then she just learned hers was an idiot.

The two returned to their comfortable silence, it was easy to maintain a conversation. But marshall being himself knew he would become loud and distract the kindhearted sailors from their tasks. Zephrys had been accustomed to silence, she was always silent. Except with her family, then they couldn't get her to shut up. Their silence isn't complete with the yelling in the background, but to them it was silent. That was until they felt the ship jerk, it was like being hit with something large. The entire ship tilted to the side causing a large amount of the crew to slide toward the two companions when the ship jerked to the side. Marshall wrapped his arm around zephrys and held onto the ship's side with his other arm. Zephrys held onto the ship's side nearly flying out, if marshall didn't hold her in place she might have. Once the ship had regained its large stature the crew quickly went back to work, the captain now yelling new commands. Marshall and zephrys turned their heads to see another large ship. This one was different; it didn't bear any royal colors like the one they were on. It was a ship that wore the skulls of their enemies on their flag that hung tall. It was a pirate ship.

Bonus: Zephrys is mixed between German and Greek, her mother is from a country similar to Greece while her father is German. While there are no real countries in this world as I made my own world the ethnicities of this world are based on real ones. Marshall is loosely based on Aztec as he's a demon it's hard to necessarily say what ethnicity he is.

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