Garret an Skyes Heart to Heart (S1 Ep 16)

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Cut to Skye showing her cellphone, it says "Download Complete".

Skye: Okay, on this phone, you will find a set of coordinates that'll lead you to one of the three potential clairvoyants I've chosen.

Steve: You have good tactics, you don't see that in a hacker very often

Skye: Is that supposed to be offensive to hackers?

Tony: Very

Skye: Wow. Thanks.

The camera pans out and we see she's in the holding cell with Garrett giving him the rundown of her plan.

Skye: When you're within a mile, your partner will be granted access to the candidate's name and profile on their own phone. Make sense?

Garrett: You know, we haven't officially met.

He gives her a smile and holds out his hand to her.

Garrett: John Garrett.

Skye smiles and shakes his hand.

Skye: I guess lying unconscious in a gurney really should not count.

Shuri: You have such quick jokes

Peter: I wish. Most things I say are movie references

Skye: Don't worry I know where your coming from

He laughs.

Garret: How are you feeling?

Skye: A lot better, actually.

Peter; Is it just me or that sound so fake?

Skye: It's just you.

Yelena: You sound so not okay.

Skye: Getting shot has an affect on your mental health you know.

Steve: She's got a point

Skye: As if you getting shot is gonna do anything to you, the bullets will probably bounce off.

Garrett: Been shot a couple of times myself, back, shoulder. Had my throat cut once. But you know the toughest one?

Peter: Ouch, Ouch and Ouch.

Skye: My mind right now

He leans forward and pulls down his turtleneck showing a nasty, chunky looking scar near his collar bone. Skye grimaces and yet leans in closer to take a look.

Yelena: That face your making -laughing-

Skye: What that looks disgusting!

Garrett: Thing about a third degree burn...

He covers the scar back over and leans back.

Garrett: The burn itself doesn't hurt at all. Crazy, right? The nerve endings get all fried. But the area around the burn?

He hisses.

Peter: Real

Skye: So real

Shuri: The realist real ever

Skye: I finally found people to relate to. I mean everyone on the team is older than me.

Garrett: That smarts. Still, gun shot's the worst.

Ward: It really is. Getting shots gotta hurt.

Skye: Sir, I know what you did for me, how you risked your life to save me. So thank you.

Garrett gives her a small smile.

Garrett: You've got a good team around you. I just jumped on the bandwagon.

Natasha: You really do. You have people around you that care a lot about you.

Skye smiles slightly

Skye: I guess. Never thought I'd find myself in this position of having people there for me. I never really did growing up so.

Skye: Well, you trained one of them, sir.

Garrett: Guess it all comes full circle. Ward's your S.O., I was his. Turn, turn, turn. But this S.O. thing goes both ways. You've had a big impact on him. He's different than I remember him.

Peter: Skyeward for life

Shuri: Agreed

Skye: Omg. This is gonna get annoying.

Maria: From what we have watched he's really different from before he joined the team. He doesn't seem as closed in. You really have had a big impact on him.

Ward: This talk is so embarassing.

Skye: All this is about me. Tell me who's more embarrassed.

Skye: Different how?

Garrett: Well, the tough thing about being a specialist is being alone. A team gives you a whole new perspective. Guess it's the difference between fighting against something and fighting for something.

He looks her up and down.

Garrett: Or someone.

Peter: Awwwweeee!

Shuri: That's so cute!!

She gives him an uncomfortable smile.

Some people laugh

Shuri: You look so uncomfortable.

Skye: I am. I don't trust him me sitting here right now I don't trust him. Me on screen seems to but I don't

Yelena: Neither do I.

Natasha: You don't like anyone though lena.

Yelena: your telling me looking at him right now the way he talks you trust him.

Clint; Yep. He's one of ours

Yelena: Mhm. I don't trust him. He's too mysterious.

Skye: Exactly. The way he's talking to me he is 100% faking that smile.

May: You don't trust him?

Skye: Nope

Coulson; He helped save your life how can you not trust him.

Skye: I don't know. I have the feeling I can't trust him.

Garrett: Ward's got that now.

He gives her another smile, picks up the cellphone and walks to the door.

Garrett: Thanks for this.

He turns back to her.

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