Skye gets her badge (season 1 episode 16)

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We cut inside The Bus to the living room area just outside the Command Center. They are all standing there talking and drinking coffee, Ward is there as well and May walks up.

May: Cruising altitude reached, bearing 90 degrees just over the north pole.

Coulson: Thank you.

He addresses the other agents.

Garrett: Apologies for the song and dance but we brought you here as a precaution.

Sitwell: A precaution against what?

Coulson: The Clairvoyant. If there is someone out there who can read minds, at least up here we're as far away from him as possible.

Tony; So what you were up against was a weirdo who looks into peoples mind

Wanda: I take offense to that. I can do that.

Tony: You are weird

Wanda: And your a douchbag -rolls her eyes smiling-

Sam; Wow. You've been hanging round Nat too much.

Nat: What? That's not me.

Tony: Really Natashlie? You aren't influencing her.

Nat: I wouldn't say that.

Steve: See you are.

Sitwell and Blake share a disbelieving look.

Natasha: ew Sitwell.

Steve: I still remember when you kicked him off the roof.

Coulson; You did what?

Natasha: he was fine! Sam had to ruin it.

Sam: Hey. We needed information. You also can't just kick a guy off a roof.

Skye: But then he wouldn't died of natural causes?

May: how is that natural? Pushing someone off a roof?

Skye: gravity is natural. Think about it. If gravity wasn't a thing he wouldn't die.

The agents of SHIELD team just roll their eyes and sigh

Garrett: Figure maybe the northern lights will knock a few bars off his psychic wi-fi.

Blake: Coulson you know S.H.I.E.L.D.'s stance on psychics, they don't exist.

Wanda: Well they do

Coulson: this must've been before you became superpowered this is like the year we are in.

Wanda: Still.

Skye; There could be someone that can read minds out there that you don't know about.

Steve: True nobody knew about the maximoff twins until we went to get Loki's scepter.

Hand: Are you suddenly a believer?

Coulson: Not definitively. But I had a recent experiences with an Asgardian who could bend people's will with her voice.

Loki; Lorelei.

Thor; I thought she was imprisoned.

Loki: she got out when the Dark Elves invaded Asgard. -looks down remembering Frigga-

Coulson; Yeah and then came an annoyed my team.

At this Ward and May share a brief look.

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