'For you id figured 10 minutes' season 1 episode 20

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Cut to Skye and Ward. They are now off The Bus and walking on a street. Skye rounds the corner and Ward follows.

Skye: I can't remember the last time I sat in a restaurant.

Ward: I know. It's been all tubes, tunnels and plane food.

Clint: Gotta say plane food isn't always the best.

Coulson: Ours is.

Natasha: that could be argued

Skye: Maybe I will get pie for dessert.

Ward: Dessert? I was hoping we'd be done by the time I finished coffee.

Natasha: How quick does he think that takes?

May: Skye probably could do it in 5 minutes.

Tony: That's quick. Not even I think I could do something like that, that quick.

Natasha: That's a first.

Coulson: but she's doing something else. I don't know what. But it worked.

Clint: She never told you?

Coulson: No. we had other things on our minds.

Simmons: And she isn't the most open person about her feelings either.

Skye smiles at him.

Skye: Do you have any idea how long it'll take to decrypt this drive?

Ward: For you? I figured 10 minutes.

Skye: Not even close. The GPS will take a hot second to calibrate but I'm working on a laptop. So even at three cycles per byte there are still terabytes of data –

Peter: Wow that's cool.

Steve: You understand what she is even saying?

Peter: Well I'm smart.

Tony laughs at this

Tony: he just called u dumb there capsicle

Peter: not what I meant.

Ward: Spare me the details. Give me the timeframe.

Bobbi: He really wants this done quick don't he.

Natasha: yep.

Hunter: but why though.

May: Before we were able to find the plane.

Hunter: Ohhhh.

Bobbi: seriously Hunter.

Skye: An hour would be a miracle.

Ward: Coulson needs this yesterday.

He stops walking and so does she.

Skye: My laptop's not a time machine, Ward. That's the science.

Peter: Yes you tell him.

Shuri: she sounds so annoyed it's funny.

T'Challa: she really likes her sassy comebacks.

Simmons: Don't know what she would do without them.

He looks down the street, sighs then opens the door.

Ward: Guess we're having dessert.

Tony: I guess you are.

Peter: I hope the waiters poison it.

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