Class Of 24'

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As I walked into the classroom I saw how different the classrooms here are. There were group tables instead of desks and a 1, 2, 3 count with me rug on the floor. There were a few people sitting at one of the tables but I didn't feel like being social so I didn't walk over to them. I sat down, put my hood on and started listening to music. When I listen to music I zone out and feel a type of peace I can't describe. Then the teacher walked in and I was sad because I didn't make it through the whole song. The longer I sat in homeroom the longer I learned that we weren't actually learning anything so I put my earbuds back in and fell asleep. The rest of the day was normal, boring. Except the school lunch was worse than the lunches in Chicago so I didn't eat and have been starving ever since. When my dad picked me up I explained to him how strange the school was. " You know Alexis you've never been normal so maybe this is a good change for you.'' At this point I was straight up lost. He went from telling me there's danger to telling me that this would be a good change.

The rest of the drive home was silent and we passed the abandoned house and this time the feeling of me being watched got 10 times stronger. When we got home I noticed a huge box in my room with a bow on it. When I opened it someone jumped out. " Hi Alexis!!!!!" Delilah said with a smile. I was amazed. " What, how did you get here? WHAT Are you doing here?" I said. Delilah went on to tell me how she got her parents to let her live with us and how they're still back in Chicago but said they'd visit often. "I'm so happy you're here Delilah!" The evening went on pretty normal other than the fact that there was a creaky floor board in my room and it was driving me crazy. Delilah slept with me because her room wasn't ready yet. "Lights out girls!" my mom yelled. "Okay..." me and Delilah said with a sigh. Hopefully tomorrow will be less strange. One can hope I guess.

A/N: Hey y'all! I'm hoping to start making the chapters longer! Apologies if they're not as long as expected!

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