So You Think You Know Me Do You?

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Third Person P.O.V.

They stood there looking at one another. Thoughts racing through all of their minds. Nothing prepared them for the upcoming conversation.

Violet: Well what do I not know? Hm? I know that the Hamptons are the reason I was taken. I know that their organization has been holding me. And it's all because of Betty or whatever that brats name is.

Briar: It's Briar you ignorant mother. There's plenty you don't know. You don't know that I'm not actually the Hamptons daughter. In fact I'm not even a Hampton.

Lucas: Yes mother Briar is correct. I will have her explain to you and not me. It is her concern and life.

Violet: Go ahead Briar tell me won't you?

Briar: Well, I was adopted by the Hamptons. I just found this out actually right before you decided to waltz your way into our house. My real name is Briar Evengelica Bianchi. I was adopted from Rome. There is no other information on me other than that. My whole life has been a lie up until now so I don't want to hear anything from you about me ruining your life.

Violet: Oh my goodness. You're a Bianchi?

Briar: Looks like it. Why are you so shocked?

Violet: You are the Bianchi's missing little girl. You vanished from a family event when you were just a baby. They've been looking for you ever since. Briar you have a family. You have four older brothers and a wonderful mother and father. They reign on top in the Underground world. You must understand this is not something to be taken lightly. The Hamptons must've taken you as a count of revenge from the one and only Perez family. They have been chasing after your family for years. They are nothing compared to your family though.

Briar: I have so many questions. What is the Underground and what does my family do? What would the Perez family want with me? And how do you know all of this?

Lucas: Yeah how do you know all of this?

Violet: The Underground is where the darkest of the darkest families live and reign. The richest of the richest. The baddest and coldest of them all. It's the the place where Mafia's live. The ones from your wildest imaginations. Except your family is the reigning family. They are the ones that you bow for and you my dear are a princess of beyond measures. Capable of things you don't even know you can do. The Perez family took you because they were afraid. You see, it had been known for years that the top reigning family would give birth to a daughter. A daughter that would not only rein but would be more vicious than anyone in the Mafia world. A daughter who would be born with the skills to decimate family bloodlines. A daughter who was deadly. And you are that daughter Briar. And how do I know this? Because me and Lucas's father were Perez's. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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