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Alexis's P.O.V: After we got Lucas situated we decided to just chill on the couch. I wanted to know more about him so I asked. Little did I know what kind of story I was in for.

Lucas's P.O.V: Alexis finally asked me about my family and what happened to my mom. I knew she was going to ask eventually because she's curious so I guess here goes nothing. "I never knew my mom. She had me and was with me and my dad for a few months after my birth and then she disappeared from our house. My dad had thought she had just run to the store but she never came back. After that my dad became Sheriff and was taking care of me at the same time. It was hard for him and I now know that. After my dad became Sheriff he decided to investigate my mom's disappearance and found out that there was never a trace of her after she left. We know she's not dead but other than that we have nothing. There's not a day that goes by that I don't think about my mom and how wonderful she was." Wow. I can't believe I just said that all out loud. Then Delilah asked one more question "What was your mothers name?" "Violet Romano." "Hmm that sounds familiar." Delilah said. Weird.

Unknown P.O.V: After Delilah left I decided to go back to my hideout. As I was sitting on the old dingy couch I thought about my life before I got kidnapped. I'm half Native American and half White. Growing up my parents always made sure I had an equal amount of both cultures. By the time I was in High school I was an honor roll student and top of class. Senior year is when I met Lucas's dad, Brandon. Brandon was and still is the love of my life. Shortly after graduation I got pregnant with a baby girl but we decided to give her up for adoption so she could have a better life than what we could give her. That was the saddest day of my life. I loved her so much. Hopefully I can find her someday. Then after I graduated College I had Lucas. He was the calm after the storm of college and other things. But two months after he was born I got kidnapped by the Hamptons. I was gone without a trace and it hurt my soul to know that I left my child and the only man I had ever loved. When I was taken I wondered why they had taken me. Turns out the answer runs a lot deeper than I thought.

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