y/n please dont

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the next day u wake up in ur bedroom at John bs. U stand up and go to your mirror. "fuck me" you say in disgust. You have a plaster on your head where the bottle was smashed, a black eye and a bandage wrapped around your thigh where the glass was. Remembering it all you sit on your bed and cry to your self. You hear your door creak and feel somone sit next to you and put there arm around you. You look up and see Sarah gently look at you. "You okay" she says concerned " I will be" you say tiredly. She rests her head against yours making you feel safe. "Where's JJ" you ask "he's asleep on the couch" she tells you " he was up all night worrying about you". You stand up and hug Sarah and she tells you she's going to join the others outside and leave you with JJ for abit. You walk out to the living room and see JJ asleep, you gently cuddle up to him. And his eyes slowly open. "Morning sunshine" you giggle "y/n why are u joking around around" he says standing up. "JJ what the fuck I was joking" you say confused.
"Well tell me do u really think any of this fucking shit is funny?" He asks "JJ why are you.." you go to say but he interrupts you "DO YOU" he yells. You feel tears start to appear in your eyes because you hate shouting " JJ don't shout at me" you say feeling hurt "well tell me something y/n, why didn't you fucking listen to me" he says starting to cry "JJ I didn't have a choice" you say quietly. "NO Y/N THIS IS THE THING YOU ALWAYS HAVE A FUCKING CHOICE" he shouts "I SAID DONT SHOUT AT ME" you say crying. "Y/n you could have fucking died" he looks up to hold back his tears then says "what if I couldn't of got to you" he questions "y-you'd be dead" he sobs "JJ stop it" you state "YOU COULD BE DEAD" he screams. "FUCK YOU" you yell feeling like he hates you. You grab a pack of cigarettes off the table and run out of the house. Realising what he said he chases after you "y/n Please don't" he says trying to get your attention but you don't listen and keep running. The pogues all sat outside look at JJ in disappointment "FUCK" he yells kicking a table and walks inside with his head in his hands.

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