Chapter Twenty-Nine

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"Thanks for meeting me again," Alex smiled at Lance.

"'ve been playing cowboy and nurse," Lance smirked at her from behind his sunglasses. "Just surprised he let you out."

"Come on," Alex frowned. "That's not fair and you know it."

"I know you're head over heels," Lance rolled his eyes. "But we have all missed you at the hospital, ain't a chance you'd come back?"

"I actually like being a ranch nurse," Alex shrugged. "Go figure."

"Is it the ranch?" Lance raised his eyebrow.

"Yes," Alex gently pushed him. "You know I'm not one of those girls."

"Honey...I'll be one of those girls if that's what I get to go home to every night," Lance nodded behind her.

Alex looked over her shoulder and saw Kayce pull the truck over to the side of the street. It was cold, but Kayce had his window rolled down as he looked over at her. He nodded once to her. Alex looked back at Lance.

"That doesn't hurt either I guess," Alex giggled.

"I'll see you next time," Lance hugged her before they parted ways.

Alex walked over to Kayce, putting her hands into her coat pocket as she stopped by his window.

"What're you doing here?" Alex asked.

"Running some errands," Kayce told her. "Remembered you had a lunch with Lance."

"Yeah," Alex smiled. "It was nice to see him."

"Good," Kayce smiled at her finally.

"You know I drove here," Alex twisted back and forth.

"I know," Kayce nodded. "Still thought I'd come say hi."

"What errands were you running?" Alex asked.

"Needed some rope and wire cutters," Kayce said. "Headed to the store now."

"Want some company?" Alex offered. "You could bring me back here when we're done?"

"Hop in," Kayce nodded.


"You look like you're gonna murder someone," Alex said as Kayce pushed the cart in front of them.

"Thanks," Kayce rolled his eyes as he looked at the different clippers.

"What's the rope for?" Alex looked into the cart at the three bundles Kayce had placed in there a few minutes ago.

"Just need some new," Kayce told her while his eyes stayed focused on picking between two pairs he had in his hands.

"What'er you tying up?" Alex looked at him.

Kayce didn't answer her though.

"Kayce?" Alex nudged him.

"What, Lex?" Kayce looked over at her.

"What're you tying up?" Alex crossed her arms.

"Nothing," Kayce shook his head. "We don't have any though and it's a good thing to keep around."

"Because you tie a lot of things up?" Alex raised her eyebrow.

"Thinking about tying you up," Kayce mumbled.

"What?" Alex leaned forward.

Kayce placed one of the clippers into the cart.

"Nothing, babe," He pushed the cart forward.

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