Chapter 9: Rude Awakening

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Ashley shifted uncomfortably in bed and then suddenly opened her eyes. Looking around, she saw she was in her childhood bedroom, surrounded by her favorite toys and the comforting presence of her parents. 

"Hi there, sweetie, having trouble sleeping?" her mom asked in a smooth, comforting tone.

"Was I just dreaming? The mannequins, Steve, my entire life? No, that can't be. Am I dreaming now?" 

"It's okay, sweetie. Try to get some sleep." Her mom leaned over and kissed her forehead, followed by her dad. They both walked over to her bedroom door, pausing for a moment to look at her. Ashley wasn't sure what was going on, but she felt relieved not to be in the nightmare of the daycare. She was comfortable, loved, and safe. 

"Love you, Mom and Dad," she spoke, her voice much younger than she remembered. She was a child.

"Awe! Isn't that sweet, Elysia?" the mom said, but her voice twisted, turning into the same sound she heard from one of the mannequins. Ashley's eyes widened in fear as she looked around her room. It began to change, the walls melting away to reveal the abandoned daycare around her.

"The sweetest." her father spoke, only he was becoming the other mannequin, their faces morphed into the eerie mannequins that had trapped them.

"No, no, this can't be real." Ashley started to panic; she was back to her adult self. She tried to scream, but no sound came out. She was paralyzed, trapped in her bed as the mannequins approached, their lifeless eyes staring down at her. They began to speak in unison, their voices echoing with a chilling tone.

"You can never leave," they whispered, reaching out to her with their stiff, plastic hands. Ashley felt a wave of terror wash over her as she realized she was completely trapped, with no way of escape.

In a panic, she struggled to free herself from her bed, but it was as if she was glued in place. The mannequins leaned closer, their faces contorted into sinister smiles. And then, without warning, Ashley felt a warm sensation growing beneath her. She was wetting the bed in her dream. She closed her eyes as the mannequins were inches away from her face.

"Oh no, sweetie, did you have another accident? It's been years, what happened?" The voice was her mother's again.

"huh, what?" Ashley was completely confused. She slowly opened her eyes to see her parents standing above her once more. 

"Honey, you're 23. You can't keep peeing yourself like this." Ashley looked down and saw that her bed and pants were still soaked from when she thought she had peed. "At this rate, you're going to need diapers." Ashley felt a pit in her stomach at her mom's words. They didn't even diaper her when she went through her bed-wetting phase as a child. Now, she has one accident, and they want to diaper her. Wait. She is an adult. They can't diaper her. 

"It's a good thing we have them in your size." the voice changed again. Ashley looked up at where her mom was standing to see one of the mannequins holding out one of the childish diapers she was put in when she arrived. 

Ashley shot up in her bed. She looked around and saw she was back in the nursery, in the crib she had fallen asleep in. The shame and humiliation of wetting her bed washed over her as she woke up, drenched in sweat and tears. It took her a moment to realize it was just a dream, but the fear lingered. The image of the mannequins replacing her parents burned into her mind.

Then she felt it. Her crotch was damp. She did wet herself in her sleep, but she was wearing the diaper, saving her from the humiliation of a soaked bed. Suddenly, the lights switched on. Ashley looked over to the door as the mannequins walked back in. Looking over at Steve, she could see him and the others slowly waking up. Both Nick and Steve gave a huge yawn as they stretched. It looks like they at least had a good nap. 

"I hope you all had a good nap. Does anyone need a diaper change?" Elysia asked as she walked over to Nick first. "Looks like someone does. Nyxara, can you take Nicky as I check on the others?"

"I'd be delighted. He is such a good boy." Ashley was shocked to see how much Nick played along with their games. He was easily in his 30s. How could he be okay with getting treated like this? He had a pacifier in his mouth, smiling happily as the mannequin took him away, practically snuggling up to the thing. 

"Good job, Kelly! At this rate, you might be ready for big girl undies for bedtime." Ashley could clearly see the frustration on Kelly's face. If looks could kill, that mannequin would be dead. But hearing that Kelly could be back in underwear made Ashley blush. She used to wet the bed all the time as a kid, and now she did it again. What if she started having issues again? Would she be stuck wearing a diaper to bed each night until they escape?

"Oh God, I can't let that happen."

"Are you going to be a good girl, Kelly? Can I trust you to stay in here as I check on the others?" Elysia asked her. It seemed to Ashley that the mannequins didn't have the same relationship with Kelly that they did with Nick. Was Kelly someone she could trust to help them escape? Kelly simply nodded at the mannequin's question.

"Alright, you be a good girl now. We wouldn't want you to get hurt... now would we?" The pause in its voice sent a shiver down Ashley's spine. She was told that this one was dangerous, but would it really injure them? It was supposed to be the nice one between the two of them. The mannequin picked up Kelly and carefully placed her on the ground, watching her closely to see if she would run off. Kelly just looked at her feet. It was clear to Ashley that Kelly feared this one and didn't want to push her luck with it, even if she hated it. 

"Good girl." The mannequin shifted its focus to Steve. Now, how did my little Stevey do?" Steve was unphased by what happened with Nick and Kelly; he didn't really care. He was just happy to no longer be around the other mannequin. 

"Good. I tried to tell you we aren't babies. There was no way I was going to use these stupid diapers on such a short nap." Steve was still mad about Ashley's comment, but maybe if he agreed with her, they would finally figure it out. The mannequin gave a robotic chuckle at his comment. 

"Someone is talkative already. That nap must have done you wonders. Now, let's check that diaper of yours." Steve wanted to resist, but he knew these things were ten times stronger than them, and resisting only seemed to make things worse. "Good job! Looks like you managed to stay dry, too." Ashley's heart sank as she heard its words. She didn't want Steve to use the diaper, but she also didn't want to be the only other one who woke up wet. 

"Now, young mister, normally I would ask if you could be responsible enough to stay in the room while I checked on your friend here. But after seeing your behavior today, I think you're going to have to stay here while I check on little Miss Ashley over there." Steve felt frustrated by its words. He wanted to be let out like Kelly, then while its back was turned, they could have made a run for it. But now, he was stuck in the crib. 

The mannequin walked over to Ashley's crib and picked her up out of it. "Oh my, you little miss, you really need a diaper change. You soaked it. Let's go get you cleaned up." Ashley blushed as the mannequin carried her away from the others and over to the changing room. She could see Steve as she was carried away. His face started off as one of confusion, quickly changing to a smirk as if he was happy about her needing to get changed.

"What the hell is with that face? Is he happy I'm getting changed? What the fuck? That's so messed up."

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