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First impressions:

Hunter: thought you were capable, but had a lot to learn. Hated how you disobeyed his orders though 🙃

Crosshair: thought you were cool, and handled yourself well. Also liked how you challenged Hunter all the time.

Tech: thought you were pretty, and smart (but obviously not as smart as him 😉). He liked how you were able to keep up with him.

Your first date:

Hunter: he took you to a fancy restaurant 🥂

Crosshair: he took you to a food market (because food is good, and you really love food 😋)

Tech: he set up a lovely picnic near the beach for the both of you ⛱️

What you fight over:

Hunter: you not following his orders. (Hey, he can't always boss you around like that 🤷‍♀️)

Crosshair: the smallest things. But when it comes to more serious issues, you two are on the same page 😌

Tech: who's right and who's wrong. Though most the time, you just like to act dumb to annoy him 😁

Where he likes to kiss you:

Hunter: lips and forehead.

Crosshair: neck and cheeks.

Tech: hands.

Hairstyles he likes on you:

Hunter: Hair down. He likes running his hands through it 😘

Crosshair: Braided - he says it makes you look more badass 😎

Tech: Ponytail/tied back, so he can see your beautiful face ☺️

Favourite thing to do together:

Hunter: go on walks and cuddle.

Crosshair: hang out and talk, though, you do most of the yapping. He likes hearing your voice.

Tech: you like to surprise eachother with the cutest gifts.

Cuddle/sleep position:

Hunter: hes the big spoon, you're the little spoon

Crosshair: your head is on his chest and his chin is resting on your head.

Tech: your head is on his shoulder, and he has his arms wrapped around your waist.

What he calls you:

Hunter: mesh'la - "beautiful" in Mandalorian language

Crosshair: cyare - "beloved" in Mandalorian language

Tech: y/n

When you cry:

Hunter: he holds your hand and rubs your back. He only asks questions once you let it all out <3

Crosshair: he is shocked at first but lets you use him as your tissue box (😭). He also asks who he needs to beat up for you.

Tech: he tries his best at comforting you, but isn't good with being physical. He offers his very logical advice ❤️

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