Chapter 1: Good Day

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It was a rainy day in California which was rare. Me and Nash were about to record a video when out of no where it boomed and crackled. I got scared but Nash cuddled me and said "It is okay I am here lets just record the video!" He said happily. I nod and he starts the video off and he introduces me. "This is Kayla my amazing girlfriend...!" after he said that he kissed my head and I smiled. "Hey it is nice to finally meet all of your fans!" I say gleefully and smiling. Someone walks in it was Cameron and he came in the video and said smiling "And my best sister!" H kissed my head and sat down by Nash. I sigh and say "Only sister Cameron!" I say annoyed at him walking in. Nash looks at him then Sky walks in "Hey guys! Are you making a video?" She asked cutely (She is Nash's little sister). Nash replied with a sweet "Yes it is only for me and Kayla....." He said annoyed looking at Cameron. Cameron said laughing "I am not leaving! I want in the video!" He keeps laughing and I push Cameron he falls as I laugh. "Good Job Kayla!" He kissed me and I kissed back. Sky said disgusted "Ew kissing!" she makes a disgusted face. Nash says "Leave Sky" and he kisses me not knowing the camera was still on. Sky leaves and shuts the door and Cameron stands up and says smiling "Gonna turn the camera off love birds?" Nash blushed and ran and said "Sorry guys bye! He stops recording. Cameron said with a serious playful tone "Be more careful next time!" I pushed him again. I said silly "I know idiot! I ma not dumb!" Nash kissed me and I kissed back. After that we went down stairs snd ate and me and Nash cuddled through the night. 

Magcon Love story pt. 1Where stories live. Discover now