The Shimmering Tree

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I look up at the sky. I'm standing in the middle of a vast green field, the grass soft and flawless beneath my feet. Above me, the night sky beams with stars, each one glimmering like polished crystal. It's so clear and still that it feels less like a sky and more like a mirror—no, it is a mirror. I blink, realizing I'm staring at the reflection of a pond.

But where am I?

I lean closer to the water's edge. My heart races when I see no reflection staring back at me. I reach into the pond, and the second my fingers touch the water—whoosh—I'm flung upward, shooting into the sky.

Stars surround me, spinning wildly. The two North Stars shimmer brightly, guiding me higher and higher. I try to grab onto something—anything—but I can't. The wind whistles past my ears, and I open my mouth to scream. But no sound escapes. Only the silent terror of falling upward into nothingness.

"This is just that dream again," I think.

Wake up, Clover! Wake up!

But nothing happens. I'm still trapped in this strange, dream-like flight, rising closer to the dazzling light of the stars. One of the stars grows brighter—so bright it burns my eyes. But as I squint, the brightness shifts, and I see something new.

It's not a star—it's... a window?

Beyond the window, I glimpse a breathtaking view: an island surrounded by shimmering oceans, clouds rolling across the sky like waves. The scene shifts again—now I see misty mountains, Nordic-like waters, and... music. Faint, lilting music fills the air, pulling me in.

Suddenly, I'm spinning, floating, and dancing—just dancing to the music—until the sound shifts.


It's my alarm.

I wake with a groggy groan and squint at my clock.

7:35 AM.

"Aw, dang it!" I shoot out of bed, stumbling over my sheets.

I dash downstairs, skidding to a stop outside my sister's room. Banging my fist against the door, I shout, "Rye! Get up! We're gonna be late!"

No response.

With a frustrated huff, I push the door open, only to be met by a shriek.

"Oh my gosh, Rye!" I yelp, covering my eyes as she yanks the blanket over herself.

"Geez! Can't a woman sleep naked in peace?" she snaps.

"Ew! You could've at least warned me!"

"You came in here!" she growls, rolling her eyes. "I told you, I like to sleep comfortably!"

"Yeah, yeah. Just hurry up—we're already late." I slam the door shut and head back to my room to grab my stuff.

Ten minutes later, we're in my car, racing down the road. I turn on my music before Rye has a chance to hijack the aux with her annoying pop songs.

"Absolutely not. Not in my car," I mutter, skipping a track.

Rye glares at me, crossing her arms. "What's your problem? It's good music."

"It's demented. There's way better stuff out there."

She rolls her eyes. "Whatever. Stop by Starbucks before we get to school."

"Rye, we're already late. You don't need coffee."

"But I neeeed it!" she whines dramatically.

I groan but turn on my blinker anyway. As I start to make the turn, some jerk on a motorcycle cuts me off.

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