The Illusion of Safety

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"Disappeared? I couldn't find you anywhere!"

I blink, feeling a mixture of relief and guilt. "I'm sorry, I just—"

"What happened? Where did you go?" she demands, her eyes searching mine for answers. "And what's with that awful dress?"

I hesitate, the weight of my experience pressing heavily on my chest. How do I explain that I was in another dimension, chased by shadowy figures and encountered my own clone? "I got...lost," I finally say, opting for the simplest explanation. "I was exploring and just... wandered off."

Her expression softens a little, but there's still worry etched in her features. "You need to be careful. You can't just disappear like that. I thought something terrible happened to you!"

"I know, I know. I'm really sorry," I say, glancing around to make sure no one else is within earshot. "But I'm back now, and that's what matters."

"Yeah, well, don't do it again," she huffs, crossing her arms. "Let's just get home."

As we walk towards the car, my mind races with everything that just happened. My encounter with Greigh, the strange beauty of Baleiv, the peril I faced, and the unshakeable feeling that everything has changed. I can't shake the sensation that the portal I just traversed is still open somewhere, waiting for me to return.

Once we're in the car, I stare out the window, lost in thought. My sister rambles on about school and her day, but I barely register her words. I'm more concerned with the possibilities that lie ahead.

What if I can go back? What if Greigh needs me?

The thought sends a jolt of excitement through me. But I also know I have to be cautious. The vendor's warning about transformation echoes in my mind. Could I even control my return if I tried?

When we arrive home, I excuse myself to my room, pretending to be tired. I need space to think. I plop down on my bed, staring at the ceiling as a million thoughts swirl in my mind. My heart races as I replay the day's events over and over.

I reach for my phone and search for any information on Baleiv or the portal. Maybe someone else has experienced something similar? As I scroll through pages of mundane information, I notice something odd—a flickering light at the corner of my room.

I sit up, squinting. The light grows brighter, and I realize it's a small, swirling vortex, just like the one in Baleiv.

"No way," I whisper, my heart pounding with excitement and fear.

I cautiously approach it, my heart racing as memories of the adventures flood my mind. The portal pulses in front of me, beckoning me closer. I can feel the energy radiating from it, a familiar tug pulling at my heartstrings.

But then doubt creeps in. What if it leads me back to danger? What if Greigh isn't there?

Yet, I can't ignore the calling. The thrill of adventure surges through me, and I realize that I need to return—not just for Greigh, but for myself. There's a whole world out there waiting for me, and I can't turn my back on it.

Taking a deep breath, I step closer, the vortex's energy enveloping me like a warm embrace. "Kormidore, let me through!" I call out, my voice steady with resolve.

The portal responds, expanding as the light engulfs me.

As I dive into the shimmering light, I feel a rush of adrenaline. I'm not just returning; I'm stepping into my destiny.

When I land again, it's as if I am discovering it all for the first time. The colors are more vibrant, the air rich with magic and possibilities. The landscape is still familiar but infused with new energy. I glance around, hoping to see Greigh's excited face.

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