Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ - 1

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"Si- sir plea-se I'm begg-ing you sir, please leave me. If he came here he will definitely kill me. Sir please tell to him you are thinking that person it's not me, Si-r, Sir please sir lea-ve me."

One young boy in the age of 20-23 was kneeling and begging for his life in front of one person. His both hands were tied and his body have some bruises and his hands and legs are all bleeding.

"Sir if you talk to him means maybe he can listen to your words please sir I'm Begging you ple-ase."

That boy was surrounded by some of big bodyguards, thier outfits from top to bottom is totally in black and dark.
He was continuously begging to that person.
That person is none other than our Park Jimin. He was standing in front of that boy wearing a dark blue court suit folding his both hands to his chest. He felt so pity for that young boy but he can't do anything for him.

Because of his Boss. His king, God anything we can say. He is everything to him no one can utter a single word nope no one can have the courage to breathe in front of him because of his dark aura and his presence they all are afraid of him even Jimin too so he can't do anything rather than pitying him.

All the bodyguards and Jimin were waiting for his boss only. Soon they all heard some footsteps of someone. They all gulped because thier King is coming towards to them. That boy were shivering in fear.

It was a place, we can call that Taehyung's secret dark basement which he used to torture and kill his enemies. Inside the basement room it's so dark just a white little bulb only is giving light to that whole big basement. The walls are covered wid bloods. In the centre of that room all are standing and waiting for Taehyung.

The way of that basement is also dark. Taehyung is coming to that basement room only, his footsteps are echoing, his eyes is showing none other than cold and anger he is wearing a black court suit, he had a piercing in his right eyebrow and he have a mark in that too his face is covered with a thick black scarff, only that two cold and burning eyes is visible.

He pushed and harshly opened the door of the basement with a bang sound. Everyone gasped hard. He entered inside and walked to the centre of the room. He looked that boy wid his sharp gaze. Everyone bowed to him.

He removed his Scarff from his face and he sit down in the giant rocking chair which were the bodyguards already kept there for thier King. After a few seconds he snap his fingers two times, one bodyguard came in front of taehyung and he gave a cigarette and a lighter to him while bowing his head.

Taehyung took that and he light the cigarette while looking at that boy with his cold gaze. He sat in front of that boy only. He slowly inhaled the smoke and released.

"Did he accept his wrong or not, Jimin?"

He asked in his deep voice to Jimin still looking at that boy.

"N-no Boss, he is continuously saying that he is not the same person that we suspect him as wrong."

"Ohh, really?"

"So now you are telling to me that I have to believe this, right Hyeon-su?"
Taehyung asked to him with a smirk and he is rocking his chair up and down while smoking.

"B-oss, ple-ase trust me, that boy is someone else it's not me how can I betray you, i ne-ver thought in my dre-am too."

That smirk slowly vanished in his face.
He stopped that chair and he throw that cigarette somewhere else he bend a little while looking at him with his dark gaze.

𝐌𝐀𝐅𝐈𝐀'𝐒 𝐇𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 || 𝐓𝐇𝐕 𝐅𝐅Where stories live. Discover now